Democrats Are Issue Driven; Republicans Obsess With Image


Diversity Makes Greatness
Think about the positions taken by each.

Republicans are populists.

Democrats are responsible.

Republicans go with what polls well at the moment.

Democrats make the tough decisions that are not always popular.

It's true.

Republicans gravitate towards what sounds good.

Democrats want to do the right thing.
Doing the right thing isn't always easy or popular.

When was the last time a Republican wanted to do something that didn't poll well?
Hello T. A. Gardner,

Really? Could you indulge us with a few examples?

The Climate Crisis.

Democrats recognize the problem and want to take steps to prevent weather events from getting worse, sea level from rising, floods from getting worse, wildfires from getting more frequent and more intense. No, it is not a popular idea, especially when the most extreme effects have yet to appear, but it is the right thing to do. Now, while we still have a chance to make a difference.

Republicans simply pretend there is no problem. Very popular position to take, especially among the least well informed.

And absurdly enough, taking proper measures to deal with the Climate Crisis actually makes sense for the economy. There are millions of great jobs created tackling climate issues.

But it doesn't play well with the conservative crowd which is convinced it will cost them money. So Republicans play up that angle. Just because it's popular. Not the right thing to do, but creates an effective image to get votes.

When was the last time a Republican wanted to do something that didn't poll well?
Think about the positions taken by each.

Republicans are populists.

Democrats are responsible.

Republicans go with what polls well at the moment.

Democrats make the tough decisions that are not always popular.

It's true.

Republicans gravitate towards what sounds good.

Democrats want to do the right thing.

Republicans are not populists.
Hello T. A. ,

Really? Could you indulge us with a few examples?

Look at the pandemic.

Same thing. Democrats want to take all the logical steps to deal with it, protect lives.

Republicans either deny it or focus on rights without responsibilities. Wrong!

But popular with the uninformed denial crowd.
Think about the positions taken by each.

Republicans are populists.

Democrats are responsible.

Republicans go with what polls well at the moment.

Democrats make the tough decisions that are not always popular.

It's true.

Republicans gravitate towards what sounds good.

Democrats want to do the right thing.

Disagree the only thing Republicans have going for them is hate
Hello T. A. Gardner,

The Climate Crisis.

Democrats recognize the problem and want to take steps to prevent weather events from getting worse, sea level from rising, floods from getting worse, wildfires from getting more frequent and more intense. No, it is not a popular idea, especially when the most extreme effects have yet to appear, but it is the right thing to do. Now, while we still have a chance to make a difference.

Republicans simply pretend there is no problem. Very popular position to take, especially among the least well informed.

And absurdly enough, taking proper measures to deal with the Climate Crisis actually makes sense for the economy. There are millions of great jobs created tackling climate issues.

But it doesn't play well with the conservative crowd which is convinced it will cost them money. So Republicans play up that angle. Just because it's popular. Not the right thing to do, but creates an effective image to get votes.

When was the last time a Republican wanted to do something that didn't poll well?

I'd say that's a poor example. If you look at say, the New Green Deal, it's more about social and economic change moving to the Left than solving anything to do with the climate. The Democrats say they want to fix all those things they claim are caused by anthropomorphic climate change, but then their chosen solutions are all based on ignoring science, populism, and Leftist economic and social theory.

For example, there is now overwhelming evidence that solar and wind are an unworkable solution to a nation's energy needs. They are costly, polluting, and result in an unstable grid. They push battery cars even as fuel cell vehicles running on hydrogen or ammonia would be a far better and more workable solution. The "millions of great jobs" associated with this have failed to materialize.
At the same time, the Democrats push more public transit (even as it goes largely unused most places), higher urban density (leading to more urban heat island effects and concentration of pollution), and socializing the economy. These are all favorites of the Left. The most glaring example is the push for railroads and trains. These simply don't work in a large nation like the US. Distances are too great, the cost of right-of-way too high, and the time spent in transit too high to be cost effective.

The most extreme effects of climate change have failed to appear because they were never going to appear. The so-called climate scientists fudged their data for decades for political and personal gain. We've seen it again and again.

Climate change doesn't poll well because it isn't taken seriously, but rather used for political and economic gain by those pushing it.
Hello T. A. ,

Look at the pandemic.

Same thing. Democrats want to take all the logical steps to deal with it, protect lives.

Republicans either deny it or focus on rights without responsibilities. Wrong!

But popular with the uninformed denial crowd.

Same thing here. The Democrats do what's popular and don't follow the science.

Masks don't work for example. Sure, there are over 100 studies (I found one site that listed 56 of these for example) that show masks work in a laboratory setting under test conditions. Then there are roughly half-dozen where the researchers looked at actual populations of masked and unmasked individuals and their rate of Chinese Disease contraction. They found an insignificant difference. So, masks work in laboratory test conditions but fail in real life conditions meaning they make little or no difference in how people are contracting Chinese Disease.

It was a Republican that pushed through the quick development of a vaccine and got over a million doses in people's arm. Then Biden and the Democrats took over and turned the whole thing into a clusterfuck. Now Biden is calling for a third shot for a booster even as the CDC says they're unsure. Most recently several top people at the CDC resigned in protest of Biden's unscientific, political move.
Same thing here. The Democrats do what's popular and don't follow the science.

Masks don't work for example. Sure, there are over 100 studies (I found one site that listed 56 of these for example) that show masks work in a laboratory setting under test conditions. Then there are roughly half-dozen where the researchers looked at actual populations of masked and unmasked individuals and their rate of Chinese Disease contraction. They found an insignificant difference. So, masks work in laboratory test conditions but fail in real life conditions meaning they make little or no difference in how people are contracting Chinese Disease.

It was a Republican that pushed through the quick development of a vaccine and got over a million doses in people's arm. Then Biden and the Democrats took over and turned the whole thing into a clusterfuck. Now Biden is calling for a third shot for a booster even as the CDC says they're unsure. Most recently several top people at the CDC resigned in protest of Biden's unscientific, political move.

It's comments like yours that make it so easy and so popular for smart intelligent people to make fun of you
Think about the positions taken by each.

Republicans are populists.

Democrats are responsible.

Republicans go with what polls well at the moment.

Democrats make the tough decisions that are not always popular.

It's true.

Republicans gravitate towards what sounds good.

Democrats want to do the right thing.

Democrats have distorted one-sided views of the two parties.
It's comments like yours that make it so easy and so popular for smart intelligent people to make fun of you

Maybe you could find one or two to help you with your replies...

Here's the latest demolition of masks as effective:

There were 178,288 individuals in the intervention group and 163,838 individuals
in the control group. The intervention increased proper mask-wearing from 13.3% in control
villages (N=806,547 observations) to 42.3% in treatment villages (N=797,715 observations)
(adjusted percentage point difference = 0.29 [0.27, 0.31]). This tripling of mask usage was sustained during the intervention period and two weeks after. Physical distancing increased from
24.1% in control villages to 29.2% in treatment villages (adjusted percentage point difference
= 0.05 [0.04, 0.06]). After 5 months, the impact of the intervention faded, but mask-wearing
remained 10 percentage points higher in the intervention group.
The proportion of individuals with COVID-like symptoms was 7.62% (N=13,273) in the
intervention arm and 8.62% (N=13,893) in the control arm. Blood samples were collected
from N=10,952 consenting, symptomatic individuals.

That was using N95 surgical masks, not cloth masks. A slight decrease in rate of infection. Masks don't work because they aren't changing the primary vectors by which people are catching Chinese Disease.
Maybe you could find one or two to help you with your replies...

Here's the latest demolition of masks as effective:

That was using N95 surgical masks, not cloth masks. A slight decrease in rate of infection. Masks don't work because they aren't changing the primary vectors by which people are catching Chinese Disease.

this is from your own link dumbass..." demonstrating that promoting community mask-wearing can improve public health" the fact that you are a moron is now clearer than ever
Democrats Are Issue Driven; Republicans Obsess With Image

Is this the lead-in for some cheap backroom stand-up comedy routine ??? If not, it should be ... it's a hilarious line !!!
Hello T. A. ,

Same thing here. The Democrats do what's popular and don't follow the science.

Masks don't work for example. Sure, there are over 100 studies (I found one site that listed 56 of these for example) that show masks work in a laboratory setting under test conditions. Then there are roughly half-dozen where the researchers looked at actual populations of masked and unmasked individuals and their rate of Chinese Disease contraction. They found an insignificant difference. So, masks work in laboratory test conditions but fail in real life conditions meaning they make little or no difference in how people are contracting Chinese Disease.

It was a Republican that pushed through the quick development of a vaccine and got over a million doses in people's arm. Then Biden and the Democrats took over and turned the whole thing into a clusterfuck. Now Biden is calling for a third shot for a booster even as the CDC says they're unsure. Most recently several top people at the CDC resigned in protest of Biden's unscientific, political move.

I challenge you to find one scientific study which calls the coronavirus "Chinese disease." Just ONE.

Simply the act of using that term shows bias, deflating any accompanying argument.