Democrats break with Biden

1400 + 600 = 2000. have that tattooed somewhere on your pinhead, bitch. good god, you are such a stupid piece of shit. IF WARNOCK AND OSSOFF HAD NOT WON, THE ONLY STIMULUS CHECKS COMING, IF ANY, WOULD HAVE BEEN ANOTHER 600 BUCKS THAT THE REPUBS WANTED, YOU LYING SACK OF SHIT.

>Post cites Ilham Omar
>Post cites Ilham Omar

The usurper did indeed promise $2000 checks IMMEDIATELY, and no, he did not stipulate it would minus $600 already paid out.

In fact, he went out of his way to make it seem as if a new, full payment was coming.

Now the people he bribed want their money.

Skip to 0:48 and hear the promise the usurper broke to the voters he bribed.
‘Does nothing to save Main St’: Biden faces criticism from progressives on porkulus

Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, D-N.Y., told the Washington Post Biden’s porkulus proposal doesn’t go far enough.

“$2,000 means $2,000. $2,000 does not mean $1,400,″ Ocasio-Cortez, a DEMOCRAT socialist, told the Post.

Rep. Cori Bush, D-Mo., sent a simple tweet criticizing Biden's porkulus proposal: "$1,400 ≠ $2,000."

Before Friday Biden will be signing the relief package, not even a hundred days in and Biden has two major accomplishments

The Senate bill will not include an increase in the minimum wage to $15 an hour. That provision was part of the House bill, but it was rejected by the Senate parliamentarian who said it was not permitted under the byzantine rules DEMOCRATS are using to push the legislation through the Senate without GOP votes.

This “budget reconciliation” process allows legislation to pass with a simple majority vote, instead of the 60 normally required, but it also prohibits provisions without a certain budgetary impact. The Senate parliamentarian determined last week that the minimum-wage increase did not pass the test.

Liberals in the House are pressing the Biden administration to try to overrule the parliamentarian, but Psaki nixed that idea Monday.

“That’s not an action we intend to take,” Psaki said. She noted that such a move would also require 50 votes in favor in the Senate, which DEMOCRATS do not have.

Following the parliamentarian’s ruling, top Senate DEMOCRATS scrambled to come up with an alternative approach that would instead penalize companies that do not pay a $15 minimum wage, but those efforts collapsed over the weekend.
During an interview with CNN, DEMOCRAT Congressman Henry Cuellar urged the illegitimate Biden regime to deal in reality and discussed alarming numbers of illegal immigrants crossing the border as the Wuhan coronavirus pandemic continues to be spread by illegal immigrants.

"Look, they can call it a challenge. Other people can call it a crisis. Let me look at the reality. In January we had 78,000 people who were stopped at the border. In February I think you're going to see numbers close to 100,000 individuals and keep in mind that March, April, May and June are the peak times so we haven't even hit the peak times right now," Cueller said. "And what's happening is that, Border Patrol does not COVID test any of them. The ones who are tested are like the MPP on the Mexican side, but the ones who are coming in, they're not tested by Border Patrol. They might be tested by some of the NGOs so if they get on a bus they can travel anywhere with the permission, the notice to appear like the person you mentioned -- San Francisco."

"This is why Greyhound and other folks are saying, 'Hang on. You're letting people into our buses without having been COVID tested,'" he continued.