What are you talking about????? Where's your link??????????
>Image links to CNN twitter feed
What are you talking about????? Where's your link??????????
1400 + 600 = 2000. have that tattooed somewhere on your pinhead, bitch. good god, you are such a stupid piece of shit. IF WARNOCK AND OSSOFF HAD NOT WON, THE ONLY STIMULUS CHECKS COMING, IF ANY, WOULD HAVE BEEN ANOTHER 600 BUCKS THAT THE REPUBS WANTED, YOU LYING SACK OF SHIT.
RETWEET if you think @JoeBiden’s presidency has been an abject failure so far.
— Power to the People ☭🕊 (@ProudSocialist) March 6, 2021
>Post cites Ilham Omar
It’s like that joke about the little boy asking his dad for a dollar & his dad responding “50 cents!? What do you need a quarter for?” That’s the Democrats.
— Matt Voldness (@MattVoldness) January 31, 2021
>Post cites Ilham Omar
Biden lied to get our vote. Then they had Manchin be the "BAD" guy to block $15 an hour. Classic Centrist historical B.S. #BidenLied
— Smoke in Peace USA (@smokeinpeaceUSA) March 7, 2021
"I see it as a really disappointing development. We obviously are now ultimately sending money to less people than the Trump administration," says Rep. Ilhan Omar on Covid relief.
— CNN News Central (@NewsCentralCNN) March 5, 2021
"It is a failure when we compromise ourselves out of delivering on behalf of the American people." pic.twitter.com/MM8NAykxNk
It true that only 9% of 1.9 TRILLION $ is for Covid. I read the list that said walking lizards on a treadmill was something they were including?? And a few other ridiculous things as well as money to foreign countries when our own country is starving!!
— Doug Castanedo (@Castanedo) February 27, 2021