Democrats convicted of election fraud

Election cheating...

One guy jamming phones or some conspiracy theories, or a list of actual democrats going to jail for election rigging, I ask again, why are the mud soaked Democrats throwing mud. Why with all this basic election fraud would the DNC oppose such a simple measure as showing your ID to vote. Maybe because it would prevent all this cheating done by a wide majority by the democrats.
One guy jamming phones?

Did you not even read the fucking case or post?

Desh in 2008 you really have to stop expecting republicans to actually read shit ok? First of all, many of them are barely functioning illiterates. And the few who can read, don't want to bother. That's why they are republicans in the first place - it's easier than thinking.
It just kills me how the Executive director the the Republican leadership committee and get thrown in jail for KEEPING AMERICAN FROM VOTING and they compair it to five 20 something idiots slashing tires or some fool passing out cigarettes to the homeless?

It boggles the mind.
It just kills me how the Executive director the the Republican leadership committee and get thrown in jail for KEEPING AMERICAN FROM VOTING and they compair it to five 20 something idiots slashing tires or some fool passing out cigarettes to the homeless?

It boggles the mind.

Oh, they don't even understand the differences between election fraud and voter fraud. That's why I don't talk to them about it.
Republican campaigners had rented more than 100 vehicles for a get-out-the-vote campaign. Five men, all local Democratic campaign workers, punctured the tires so that the vehicles inside couldn't leave to bus people to the polls.

Attorneys for the five defendants, however, argued that the slashings were part of a broader national campaign by the Democrats to prevent a large Republican turnout in key states, and pointed to several "out-of-state political operatives" brought in by the Democrats as the culprits.

Ohio Democrats require court order to stop misleading calls to Republicans

An Ohio court order was issued stopping Democrat operatives from calling Republican voters with misleading telephone calls in Ohio with the wrong date for the election and faulty polling place information.

Arrests sought in election fraud

According to warrants filed by the Milwaukee County (Wisconsin) district attorney's office, paid democrat operatives admitted to authorities that they filled out multiple voter-registration cards using fictitious information to earning money from Project Vote,
Project Vote is a national group headed by the former head of the Ohio Democratic Party.
If convicted as charged, each could face a maximum possible sentence of 25 years in prison.

The sons of first-term congresswoman and of Milwaukee's (Wisconsin) former mayor were among five Democratic activists charged with slashing the tires of 25 vans rented by Republicans to bus seniors and handicapped voters to the polls.

Democratic campaigners testify against their comrades

Four out-of-state Democratic operatives testified that five of their fellow local campaign workers boasted about slashing the tires of 25 vans rented by the Republican Party in the early morning hours before the 2004 presidential election.

The four witnesses were all members of a "get out the vote" effort in the hotly contested state of Wisconsin, which John Kerry won by little more than 10,000 votes in the 2004 presidential election.

Wisconsin’s massive voter fraud may have influenced the outcome of a close race. Here are the popular vote totals in the 2004 Presidential election, hope it’s not close with all this cheating…

Vote Totals:
Kerry: 1,489,504
Bush: 1,478,120

Kerry wins the state, and thus the 10 electoral votes

More from Ohio...

Democrats Charged in Scheme to Buy Votes

It's the largest bust of vote fraud perhaps, ever.

Arrests sought for democrats in election fraud

Lilly and Lewis were charged with five felonies each: three counts of forgery, one count of election fraud and one count of misconduct in public office

Democrats busted buying homeless votes

Prosecutors charge 10 violations of a state election law
State law makes it a felony to induce someone to vote

Democrats fight to keep Military ballots uncounted in the close 2000 Florida election, whilst screaming that the felon vote for Gore was not being counted.

The Washington State Governor's race.

The Republican candidate, Dino Rossi, actually won the election, and then the recount, Desperate Democrats then paid for a third hand recount, miraculously the Democrat-controlled King County "found" 566 new votes just in time for a second recount, enough to overturn the results of Election Day and the first recount. Ever since Rossi lost the hand recount, Republicans have noted widespread irregularities, including votes cast by felons, and dead people, spoiled the election to the point where it is impossible to truly know who won. The judge who presided over the court case that followed, actually said "this election may not be set aside simply because the number of fraudulent votes exceeds the margin of victory" when he issued his ruling against the Republican challenge. Republicans also point to the admission of officials in King County, a Democratic stronghold and the state's largest county, that they cannot match more than a thousand votes to actual voter names.

The GOP challenge, however, went to the Democrat-controlled Legislature, which certified the election Jan. 11 despite a GOP request for a two-week delay.,2933,144154,00.html

The American Center For Voting Rights documents democrats cheating many more times…

Intimidating and deceiving mailings and telephone calls paid for by the DNC threatening Republican volunteers in Florida with legal action.
Union-coordinated intimidation and violence campaign targeting Republican campaign offices and volunteers resulting in a broken arm for a GOP volunteer in Florida.
Former ACORN workers said there was “a lot of fraud committed” by group in Florida, as ACORN workers submitted thousands of fraudulent registrations in a dozen states across the country, resulting in a statewide investigation of the group in Florida and multiple indictments and convictions of ACORN/Project Vote workers for voter registration fraud in several states.

More from Florida

When the Democrats saw how close the Florida vote was going to be, they pulled out all the stops and left nothing to chance. Even before the polls closed, the Democrats hired a telemarketing firm to start calling registered Democrats in Palm Beach County and claim they were confused by the ballot. These telemarketers told the voters to contact their Democratic Legislators and the media and say they wanted the opportunity to vote again. Lawyers were dispatched to Palm Beach County and Tallahassee to prepare the challenge even before the polls closed.

My bad. Sorry I got caught.
Republicans WERE the big cheats. They surpressed people's votes and everything. And on your photo ID comment you might wanna check out that little thing we call the Constitution hun. A photo ID would be considered a poll tax and that is illegal. Here are some links to get you started:

Whether or not other people did acts doesn't take away the fact the republican party are a bunch of criminals and hypocrites. You can't point to other people and make what the republican party did go away. Stop being a damn hypocrite.

It all ties into the national democratic parties position to oppose the showing of a valid photo ID, basic measures, to prevent this basic fraud, opposed by the Democratic party.

And to counter Desh's link claiming Republicans where the big cheats...
Well it will be a big topic due to the book by the republican opperative inprisoned during the 2004 phone jambing case spilling al the dirt on how dirty they are.

Its going to be a great little book.
Who is a republican.... One minute those of you bash both political party's and then turn around and going to vote for one of them. How funny and hypocritical. Paul is a republican. He now claims he's been one his whole life even during Vietnam and voted for Nixon. :rolleyes:

Just to save someone the trouble of posting this later.

"There's always Ron Paul"
You are just plain..............

Republicans WERE the big cheats. They surpressed people's votes and everything. And on your photo ID comment you might wanna check out that little thing we call the Constitution hun. A photo ID would be considered a poll tax and that is illegal. Here are some links to get you started:

Whether or not other people did acts doesn't take away the fact the republican party are a bunch of criminals and hypocrites. You can't point to other people and make what the republican party did go away. Stop being a damn hypocrite.

Goofy...requiring a 'Legal Photo Id' would be considered a 'PollTax'? Sorry 'HUN' but in the US, in almost every state within the union requires a person over the age of 16 to carry a state ID so LE can identify anyone who is stopped...God you are failing Criminal Justice classes at every turn of your responses!
NEWSFLASH! NEWSFLASH! NEWSFLASH! We have a little thing called the Constitution! Read it! Read it! Requiring a photo ID would be a poll tax because you have to pay even for a simple photo ID even if it's just a couple of bucks. Homeless people would not be able to vote! Newsflash! That is illegal! Read the Constitution! Read it!

Well that's one way of classifying the Democrats position on the blocking of requiring valid photo ID's to vote, blocking such basic fraud protections is insane, too me as well.
NEWSFLASH! NEWSFLASH! NEWSFLASH! We have a little thing called the Constitution! Read it! Read it! Requiring a photo ID would be a poll tax because you have to pay even for a simple photo ID even if it's just a couple of bucks. Homeless people would not be able to vote! Newsflash! That is illegal! Read the Constitution! Read it!

It also says we have the right to keep and bear arms. Do you think that part is valid?
Your post goes back to the US attorney firings such as with David Iglesias. Here's what he said in an interview with PBS's "Now" show.


NOW: As the U.S. Attorney of New Mexico you were asked to investigate and prosecute instances of voter fraud. What was the nature of this alleged voter fraud?

DAVID IGLESIAS (DI): I was aware that the Justice Department was interested in having U.S. attorneys investigate and prosecute voter fraud going back to 2002. In New Mexico, I wasn't really aware of that being a potential large scale issue until the summer of 2004. So I set up a taskforce in September 2004 to investigate. I made it state, local and federal law enforcement, and I had made sure that the FBI was involved, and that the Justice Department, public integrity section in Washington was involved. I made sure that there were both Democrat and Republican officials as part of this voter fraud effort because I wanted to allay the fears of New Mexicans that this was some kind of partisan witch hunt.

NOW: And did you find prosecutable cases?

DI: No. We looked at well over 100 cases ... Upon reviewing the evidence and looking at the FBI reports, and actually talking to the FBI agent in charge of this, I concluded, as did the public integrity section at main Justice [Department] and at the local FBI office, that we didn't have any prosecutable cases.

There are other interviews you can read with Mr. Iglesias. Oh and remember this is a guy who's a republican and a republican appointee by George Bush. Oh and they fired him because he was absent like forty something days. Why? HE WAS SERVING HIS COUNTRY IN THE MILITARY.
WRL - Please explain to me how any of the so-called "voter fraud" allegations (and they are merely allegations) would have been stopped by ID laws?

I mean, first you would have to show actual evidence of people not entitled to vote actually voting. Any you've got about zilch. You have Washington and Wisconsin. In Washington you have a US attorney that looked into the claims of the GOP and found no evidence of fraud. He was subsequently fired. In Wisconsin you have a US attorney that played ball and brought cases that the GOP wanted him to bring after being placed on the firing list, but who lost the vast majority of the cases he brought.

The bottom line is this: The Republican party officials and elected officials use bogus claims of vote fraud to do three things: 1) to stymie voter registration drives and get-out-the-vote efforts in poor and minority neighborhoods, 2) purge voter rolls of legitimate voters and 3) institute voter ID laws aimed at making it harder for low-income and minority voters to vote.
Strawman. Strawman. Strawman. This has nothing to do with the topic. This is about photo ID and how it's illegal. Keep up dumbass. Go start your own thread on gun rights if you want. Keep up. Keep up. This is about photo ID. Not guns. Can you pay attention for once? Photo id. Photo id is illegal because it's a poll tax. The only way it's going to be legal is if you offer them for free and people's taxes pay for the ID. Keep up dumbass. Comment on the actual thread or you're on ignore.

It also says we have the right to keep and bear arms. Do you think that part is valid?
Where the hell.............

NEWSFLASH! NEWSFLASH! NEWSFLASH! We have a little thing called the Constitution! Read it! Read it! Requiring a photo ID would be a poll tax because you have to pay even for a simple photo ID even if it's just a couple of bucks. Homeless people would not be able to vote! Newsflash! That is illegal! Read the Constitution! Read it!

In the Constitution does it say anything about Photo Id's...I do believe they were not invented yet...and where pray tell does it address 'homeless people' and their right to vote? and where pray tell does it address a poll tax on voters?...You are just plain whacky!:rolleyes:
Poll tax because you'd have to pay for the photo ID. That's considered a poll tax which is illegal in the Constitution. Go read it for yourself. I'm not going to do your homework for you. As I've already said the only way you could have a photo id is if you offer it FOR FREE to people and the only way you're going to do that is through people's taxes. At my college I can get a free ID but it's not really free because the money comes from my tuition fee's. Don't be a baka.

In the Constitution does it say anything about Photo Id's...I do believe they were not invented yet...and where pray tell does it address 'homeless people' and their right to vote? and where pray tell does it address a poll tax on voters?...You are just plain whacky!:rolleyes:
Signature should be fine since you don't have to pay for that. At the polling place I go I always sign by my name. Sometimes they ask for an ID whether your picture or a voting card. However what if you're homeless and don't have a residence? You don't get to vote? And what if you're a college student who votes at home and you can't do that? Or what if you vote at your place and you're in the military and you get called for active duty out of the country or in another part of the country and you don't get the conformation in time? So what about that?

at a bare bones minimum they should require signature upon presenting self with no id at the polls and then conformation be sent to address of the voter.
Don't be a ..........

Poll tax because you'd have to pay for the photo ID. That's considered a poll tax which is illegal in the Constitution. Go read it for yourself. I'm not going to do your homework for you. As I've already said the only way you could have a photo id is if you offer it FOR FREE to people and the only way you're going to do that is through people's taxes. At my college I can get a free ID but it's not really free because the money comes from my tuition fee's. Don't be a baka.

'Sheist Kauf' are dimwitted at every turn of the debate...who said in the Constitution that a 'Rose Garden' was guarenteed? and that everything was free? You are living on 'Cloud Nine'...Move to Venezuela and see what socialism will really give you...go away little are hopeless!