Democrats exist to undermine and violate the Constitution


Verified User
Democrats oppose every right that can be found specifically spelled out in the Constitution (free speech, free religious exercise, freedom of assembly, gun rights, due process, cruel and unusual punishment, state sovereignty), while treating everything that cannot be found mentioned or even implied anywhere in it as a legitimate right or federal power (abortion, homosexual marriage, racist preferential treatment for minorities at everyone else's expense, etc.) like it were some kind of sacred founding pillar of Western Civilization. Their entire identity seems to revolve around war on the Constitution. What other conclusion does a reasonable person reach with literally all the evidence pointing in this direction?
Democrats oppose every right that can be found specifically spelled out in the Constitution (free speech, free religious exercise, freedom of assembly, gun rights, due process, cruel and unusual punishment, state sovereignty), while treating everything that cannot be found mentioned or even implied anywhere in it as a legitimate right or federal power (abortion, homosexual marriage, racist preferential treatment for minorities at everyone else's expense, etc.) like it were some kind of sacred founding pillar of Western Civilization. Their entire identity seems to revolve around war on the Constitution. What other conclusion does a reasonable person reach with literally all the evidence pointing in this direction?

It's about time for you to go and sleep it off.
It's about time for you to go and sleep it off.

Democrats oppose every right that can be found specifically spelled out in the Constitution (free speech, free religious exercise, freedom of assembly, gun rights, due process, cruel and unusual punishment, state sovereignty), while treating everything that cannot be found mentioned or even implied anywhere in it as a legitimate right or federal power (abortion, homosexual marriage, racist preferential treatment for minorities at everyone else's expense, etc.) like it were some kind of sacred founding pillar of Western Civilization. Their entire identity seems to revolve around war on the Constitution. What other conclusion does a reasonable person reach with literally all the evidence pointing in this direction?

You're clueless, Arminius.
The problem with the constitution is not the rights that it sought to protect.
It's the incredibly stupid form of government that it gave us.

That being said, our perspectives as to that which constitutes desirable "freedom" are totally incompatible.
No republic can survive with this much ideological incompatibility, and ours won't for much longer either.
Democrats oppose every right that can be found specifically spelled out in the Constitution (free speech, free religious exercise, freedom of assembly, gun rights, due process, cruel and unusual punishment, state sovereignty), while treating everything that cannot be found mentioned or even implied anywhere in it as a legitimate right or federal power (abortion, homosexual marriage, racist preferential treatment for minorities at everyone else's expense, etc.) like it were some kind of sacred founding pillar of Western Civilization. Their entire identity seems to revolve around war on the Constitution. What other conclusion does a reasonable person reach with literally all the evidence pointing in this direction?

You're forgetting the Fourteenth Amendment, Section 1:

All persons born or naturalized in the United States, and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the United States and of the state wherein they reside. No state shall make or enforce any law which shall abridge the privileges or immunities of citizens of the United States; nor shall any state deprive any person of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws.

Democrats stand for "Equal Protection under the Law" for ALL AmeriCANs!
No. Republicans do all those things.

Wow, isn't this constructive?

Don't oppose every part of the Constitution if you don't want people to notice or point it out. :dunno:

And you saying the same thing against people who don't oppose every part of the Constitution wouldn't be accurate, so that doesn't even make sense to bring up. :nono:
You're clueless, Arminius.

This just in: Correctly identifying the stated positions of a party makes one "clueless." :laugh:


The problem with the constitution is not the rights that it sought to protect. It's the incredibly stupid form of government that it gave us.

1) You think you understand enlightened governance better than the Founders? No person with an IQ over 40 would put you in charge of a hot dog stand. :laugh:

2) The kind of government it gave us only frustrates tyrants who don't get human nature or understand why government needs to be restrained.

(hint: that means you). :awesome:

That being said, our perspectives as to that which constitutes desirable "freedom" are totally incompatible.

Yes, you want Democrats to be free to violate everyone's rights, and I want people to actually be free. :nodyes:

No republic can survive with this much ideological incompatibility, and ours won't for much longer either.

Democrats are the only people forcing that to happen. Thank your own treasonous party for that.

You're forgetting the Fourteenth Amendment, Section 1:

Democrats butcher the shit out of that part like they do every other, not that amendments "ratified" at the tip of a bayonet are legal or valid in the first place. Figures that the anti-Constitution party would pick the one blatantly illegal amendment to hold up as its example of the only part of the Constitution they don't oppose...and still get that wrong as well.


Democrats stand for "Equal Protection under the Law" for ALL AmeriCANs!

Democrats prove on a daily basis that there is no more committed enemy of equal protection under the law than them. :lolup:

Might be time to lay down the crack pipe. :palm:
You're forgetting the Fourteenth Amendment, Section 1:

Democrats stand for "Equal Protection under the Law" for ALL AmeriCANs!

Correct. And nine out of 10 Trumptards don't think protections extend to undocumented aliens. That's how stupid they are.
Democrats oppose every right that can be found specifically spelled out in the Constitution (free speech, free religious exercise, freedom of assembly, gun rights, due process, cruel and unusual punishment, state sovereignty), while treating everything that cannot be found mentioned or even implied anywhere in it as a legitimate right or federal power (abortion, homosexual marriage, racist preferential treatment for minorities at everyone else's expense, etc.) like it were some kind of sacred founding pillar of Western Civilization. Their entire identity seems to revolve around war on the Constitution. What other conclusion does a reasonable person reach with literally all the evidence pointing in this direction?

Of course. They destroy everything they touch
Correct. And nine out of 10 Trumptards don't think protections extend to undocumented aliens. That's how stupid they are.


Yes, how "stupid" someone must be to correctly comprehend that the U.S. Constitution only has jurisdiction over, and only applies to, American citizens. :rofl2:

Do you ever get tired of demonstrating abject stupidity while calling other people stupid? :laugh:


The second greatest plague on humanity ever unleashed, only after Islam. :nodyes:

Well the left shares similar tactics to radical islam. Radical islam is insane and deadly but they at least think that what they are doing is for Allah. The left on the other hand does what it does simply for it's own serving interest, political power. There are no high ideals it's just power. They are sick fucks and are a cancer on America.
Well the left shares similar tactics to radical islam. Radical islam is insane and deadly but they at least think that what they are doing is for Allah. The left on the other hand does what it does simply for it's own serving interest, political power. There are no high ideals it's just power. They are sick fucks and are a cancer on America.
