Democrats exist to undermine and violate the Constitution

this is an example of how people do not understand what the constitution does. It doesn't apply to Americans, it applies to the government, as in what they can and cannot do. as an example, if a canadian citizen comes to visit a relative in Arizona, they can legally carry a handgun without a license........if a canadian citizen comes to visit any other state, are they subject to the laws of our nation? yes.


Wrong. When the Constitution restrains the Federal Government from doing something, that is protecting the states and the individual. But it cannot restrain the Federal Government from violating the "rights" of people who aren't even citizens of this country. That doesn't even make sense. Canadians don't HAVE gun rights under our 2nd Amendment, because our 2nd Amendment obviously only protects citizens who are subject to U.S. jurisdiction.

Canadians DO have gun rights. No piece of paper gives that to them.
US citizens also have gun rights. No piece of paper gives that to them.

The 2nd amendment does not give any right.

The 2nd amendment discusses TWO related rights, that are related to each other. These rights are inherent. They are not granted by the 2nd amendment.
The inherent right of a State to defend itself. It does this by raising and organizing a militia. That well regulated militia is made up from the citizens of that State.
The inherent right of an individual to defend themselves. They do this by owning, and using arms (weapons). ANY kind of weapon.

The purpose of the 2nd amendment is to specifically remind the federal government, and the States, not to infringe on these rights. Nothing in any of these constitutions ever gave any government the authority to infringe on these rights in the first place.

Provably false. The Constitution even goes out of its way to distinguish people BORN in the U.S. from people who are "subject to the jurisdiction thereof." Let alone people who just happen to be standing in the U.S. at the moment.


False equivalence fallacy. Contextomy fallacy. You cannot compare two different amendments as if they are the same clauses in the Constitution.
Posted on wrong thread and moved.

While I'm here, though, the constitution gave us one of the most stupid systems of government on the planet.

I'm not talking about "rights" or anything like that.

I'm talking about the actual government as formed.

It's a fucking disaster.
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Democrats oppose every right that can be found specifically spelled out in the Constitution (free speech, free religious exercise, freedom of assembly, gun rights, due process, cruel and unusual punishment, state sovereignty), while treating everything that cannot be found mentioned or even implied anywhere in it as a legitimate right or federal power (abortion, homosexual marriage, racist preferential treatment for minorities at everyone else's expense, etc.) like it were some kind of sacred founding pillar of Western Civilization. Their entire identity seems to revolve around war on the Constitution. What other conclusion does a reasonable person reach with literally all the evidence pointing in this direction?

You falsely accused Democrats. You do not know what they believe or think individually.

Contextomy fallacy. I was not talking about Democrats in the post you commented on.

Democrats do not recognize the Constitution of the United States nor the constitution of any State. You have also demonstrated this.
Inversion fallacy. You do not recognize the Constitution of the United States nor the constitution of any State, like any Democrat.

Have you even read OUR Constitution, front to back? I have, I've studied it at college. That class changed my life and left me in love with OUR Constitution and OUR Nation ... like any patriot. I'm a dedicated AmeriCAN and always will be.
Have you even read OUR Constitution, front to back? I have, I've studied it at college. That class changed my life and left me in love with OUR Constitution and OUR Nation ... like any patriot. I'm a dedicated AmeriCAN and always will be.

I don't believe you.
Posted on wrong thread and moved.

While I'm here, though, the constitution gave us one of the most stupid systems of government on the planet.

I'm not talking about "rights" or anything like that.

I'm talking about the actual government as formed.

It's a fucking disaster.

why, in your opinion, was equal representation a disaster?