Democrats exist to undermine and violate the Constitution

you are not reading the Constitution correctly. By your interpretation, I could shoot some canadian citizen in the head and not be held accountable because the canadian isn't subject to our constitution or laws

Untrue. State and local laws forbid murder, regardless of who it is against. :nono:
The Constitution does NOT apply to citizens OR illegal immigrants. It applies to GOVERNMENT.
The purpose of a constitution is to declare and define a government, and give it certain limited powers and authorities.

When the Federal Government is restrained from doing something by the Bill of Rights...that is a protection of U.S. citizens. That protection is not extended to foreigners, who are subject to the jurisdiction of OTHER countries. The 2nd Amendment does not protect a Canadian's gun rights.
Constitutions do not give rights. No rights come from a piece of paper. It does not 'protect' rights. The purpose of a constitution is to define and declare a government, and to give it certain limited powers and authorities. That government has NO power or authority other than what that constitution specifically gives it.

The US Constitution also specifically prohibit government from passing any law curtailing certain specific rights as well...more as a clarification of boundaries than anything else. Nothing in the Constitution gave the government those powers in the first place.

We are in total agreement on where rights come from. My point is that the protections OF those rights identified in the Constitution cannot logically extend to the subjects of other countries' jurisdictions.
Canadians DO have gun rights. No piece of paper gives that to them.

Step 1: Canadian officials seize a Canadian citizen's guns, violating their gun rights.

Step 2: Canadian citizen sues, claiming their 2nd Amendment rights have been violated.

Step 3: Canadian officials point out that Canadians are not subject to U.S. jurisdiction, and thus cannot possibly HAVE 2nd Amendment protections.

Step 4: Case gets laughed out of court.

Constitutional protections cannot logically apply to foreigners. They obviously only apply to American citizens...who are the only people over which the U.S. has jurisdiction. The semantics about where the rights come from in the first place is wholly irrelevant to this.