Into the Night
Verified User
We are "endowed by our Creator" with our rights, as the Declaration put it, not by government.![]()
What about those that don't believe in the Theory of Creation?
We are "endowed by our Creator" with our rights, as the Declaration put it, not by government.![]()
You are arguing against yourself. You are now locked in paradox. You are being irrational.
Which is it, dude? Are Canadians subject to our constitution or not?
When the Federal Government is restrained from doing something by the Bill of Rights...that is a protection of U.S. citizens.
That protection is not extended to foreigners, who are subject to the jurisdiction of OTHER countries. The 2nd Amendment does not protect a Canadian's gun rights.
Step 1: Canadian officials seize a Canadian citizen's guns, violating their gun rights.
Step 2: Canadian citizen sues, claiming their 2nd Amendment rights have been violated.
Step 3: Canadian officials point out that Canadians are not subject to U.S. jurisdiction, and thus cannot possibly HAVE 2nd Amendment protections.
Step 4: Case gets laughed out of court.
Constitutional protections cannot logically apply to foreigners. They obviously only apply to American citizens...who are the only people over which the U.S. has jurisdiction. The semantics about where the rights come from in the first place is wholly irrelevant to this.
Totally wrong. If the Constitution goes out of its way to clarify that even people BORN in the U.S. are not automatically subject to U.S. jurisdiction, then obviously, just happening to be LOCATED in the U.S. AT THE MOMENT in no way makes them subject to its jurisdiction. Which parts of the Constitution clarify that is completely irrelevant to its status as a legal fact.
There appears to be semantic confusion here. Rights come from our Creator, constitutional protections OF those rights come from the U.S. government, whose protections of those universal human rights can naturally only apply to Americans, as everyone else is subject to ANOTHER COUNTRY'S jurisdiction.
Side note:
Do un-vetted terror state "refugees" inside our country have 2nd Amendment rights that the Federal Government cannot interfere with? Or are foreigners held to different legal standards for obvious reasons?
When we capture mass murderers and terrorists on the battlefield, do they have to be each given a lawyer, processed in a domestic criminal court of law as if they stole a bike, or are they treated differently (as enemy combatants captured on a battlefield) because they are not subject to U.S. jurisdiction?
The logistical absurdities alone should clarify that constitutional protections were never intended or authorized to be anything other than a safeguard of U.S. states and citizens against the Federal Government...and that state and federal laws regarding foreigners is all that dictates how they are to be treated.
Except it's been long known that MOST of the violence in 2020's riots was instigated by right wing extreemists.
First Amendment. The SCOTUS settled that I believe.
See? You recognized a true paradox.
"With most the votes counted & Trump way ahead, Democrat states stopped counting until they "found" truckloads of only Biden ballots in the middle of the night, only in precincts notorious for Democrat voter fraud, only exactly where Democrats needed them to show up, doing a 180 to the results, exploding vote totals way past 100%."
This moronic "signature" by Arminius may be one of the most stupid on the entire internet.
Go to bed before Michigan counts Detroit,
Wisconsin counts Milwaukee,
and Georgia counts Atlanta.
Then kill yourself for being too fucking stupid to understand why Biden took the lead.
We're talking about the .177" trumpanzee brain diameter, not the somewhat larger fava bean sized ones.
SCOTUS does not have authority to change the Constitution. The 1st amendment does not apply to the States. Try again.
Are you saying that the States have the right to make "incendiary" speech illegal and punishable?
No. Go read State constitutions.
Which ones? And why?
Define 'incendiary' speech. I am referring to a specific phrase.
No government has any 'right' of any speech.
You refuse to research your own question?
Is that so?