Democrats, Eyeing a Majority, Prepare an Investigative Onslaught

"WASHINGTON — House Democrats, increasingly optimistic they will win back control in November, are mining a mountain of stymied oversight requests in preparation for an onslaught of hearings, subpoenas and investigations into nearly every corner of the Trump administration."

There you have it folks the top agenda for the Democrats is to get Trump if they can take the House back! To hell with doing the jobs they were elected to do and that is do the peoples work. I am beginning to believe this country will never recover from liberal/conservative partisanship. Our only hope is the American voters are smart enough to keep the left from control of anything.

how stupid was that? The Repubs investigated Hillary a mere 12 times. Is that an investigative onslaught? Nope, it was a political one. They used their power to besmirch her and lower her polling. The Dems are not going to do that. But the Trump admin is full of crooks and thieves that should be stopped.
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You sir are the best of advertisements for a "REELECT TRUMP" landslide. When socialist communist hate him, he must be doing something right.
Don't suppose normal people resemble you adolescent girlkins, child. Why should anyone 'hate' that flabby clown? He is just an extremely tedious American joke that has gone on far too long. What's happened to all your famous gunmen?
A major job of Congress is oversight, if you dont under stand that, go fuck yourself. Mueller is not involved in oversight, its way past that. now he is all about prosecuting. be fair, I have to admit that lib'ruls have always been consistent.......they said the same think about the investigations into Hilliary......
There is oversight which is what the Mueller investigation is about, and then there is pure vindictiveness which is what the Democrats are all about. You lefties just can't let go of Hillary losing.

Not about that at all. it is the endless use of the houses investigative powers to go after her over and over. If the rightys did not do that, then it would have died. But they sure as hell ran with it over and over. The vindictiveness of the rightys has been proven with about 12 hillary investigations. Now we wonder if the Dems would be as petty. You simply declaring it, does not make it so. The Dems would love to move on, but rightys made her into a boogieman and will not let go. Trump still feels a childish need to call her "crooked Hillary over and over. Are you aware of that, or chosing to ignore it?
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"WASHINGTON — House Democrats, increasingly optimistic they will win back control in November, are mining a mountain of stymied oversight requests in preparation for an onslaught of hearings, subpoenas and investigations into nearly every corner of the Trump administration."

There you have it folks the top agenda for the Democrats is to get Trump if they can take the House back! To hell with doing the jobs they were elected to do and that is do the peoples work. I am beginning to believe this country will never recover from liberal/conservative partisanship. Our only hope is the American voters are smart enough to keep the left from control of anything.

"Don't vote for Democrats because they will punish lawbreakers" has got to be the funniest part of this 2018 election. be fair, I have to admit that lib'ruls have always been consistent.......they said the same think about the investigations into Hilliary......

the reason there was no prosecution of Hillary, is because they found no crimes in more than 12 investigations. There are plenty of prosecutions, indictments and findings of guilt in Mueller's investigation. Can you understand why the investigations are different? Of course you cannot. Trumps people have been found guiilty of lots of crimes. Very likely, a hell of a lot more coming.
"WASHINGTON — House Democrats, increasingly optimistic they will win back control in November, are mining a mountain of stymied oversight requests in preparation for an onslaught of hearings, subpoenas and investigations into nearly every corner of the Trump administration."

There you have it folks the top agenda for the Democrats is to get Trump if they can take the House back! To hell with doing the jobs they were elected to do and that is do the peoples work. I am beginning to believe this country will never recover from liberal/conservative partisanship. Our only hope is the American voters are smart enough to keep the left from control of anything.

MAN, are they going to go berserk when it turns out the blue wave was just a ripple. :rofl2:
maybe you can inform us of the last time a republican congress came anywhere close to doing the job they were hired to do, or as you call it, the peoples work. This past Congress has been the least effective in many decades.

:lolup: MORON eruption in progress. :rofl2:

how stupid was that? The Repubs investigated Hillary a mere 12 times. Is that an investigative onslaught? Nope, it was a political one. They used their power to besmirch her and lower her polling. The Dems are not going to do that. But the Trump admin is full of crooks and thieves that should be stopped.

:lolup:Willful lying leftist idiot thinks Hillary did nothing wrong. :rofl2:

Don't suppose normal people resemble you adolescent girlkins, child. Why should anyone 'hate' that flabby clown? He is just an extremely tedious American joke that has gone on far too long. What's happened to all your famous gunmen?

the reason there was no prosecution of Hillary, is because they found no crimes in more than 12 investigations. There are plenty of prosecutions, indictments and findings of guilt in Mueller's investigation. Can you understand why the investigations are different? Of course you cannot. Trumps people have been found guiilty of lots of crimes. Very likely, a hell of a lot more coming.

Wrong again dumbfuck; the reason was COMEY. C O M E Y the C O R R U P T.
Maybe thats just why Congress has oversight on the executive branch

Who has oversight of the special counsel when the creepy little jerk that appointed him is a witness in and possible guilty party of the alleged crimes the special counsel is supposed to be investigating, when the little creep refuses to recuse himself?

AHHHHH! That is the question, huh?
Who has oversight of the special counsel when the creepy little jerk that appointed him is a witness in and possible guilty party of the alleged crimes the special counsel is supposed to be investigating, when the little creep refuses to recuse himself?

AHHHHH! That is the question, huh?

nope. An example of how nuts you are.
obviously the same thing is true regarding Trump......

I missed when Mueller gave his report and shut down the investigation. When did that happen? Did he burn all the indictments and let all the Trumpys out of jail? What was that like? Or are you too dumb for your shirt?