Well Oncie, I don't know what you've "been vocal" or "railed about" because you're going by a new moniker these days. Maybe you are a Flip-flopper, like Kerry? That would make it easy to claim you were FOR something you were also AGAINST. I was talking about pinheads in general... those like Desh, who fervently believe Republicans stole the elections, and Dick Cheney is an alien extraterrestrial. Pinheads like AC, who have read some book by Chomsky or Lenin, and think they have all the answers, and any of the 90% opposing opinions are just ignorant stupidity, not worthy of discussion. Pinheads like Jarod, who think the Iraq war was about oil and Haliburton contracts, because that's what Michael Moore and Al Franken told them to believe. Pinheads who insist to this day, of saying things like "Impeached Clinton for a Blowjob!" when they know that was not the issue. Those are the koolaid drinking pinheads I am talking about, and they wrote the fucking book on it!
It's amazing, to hear the pinheads here, you'd assume I am representative of the most extreme right wing, but every one of those online political surveys put out by libertarians, I score somewhat in the center. My personal ideology often conflicts with my political ideology, and my political ideology is changeable. Many times, I have posted an "argument" from a 'devils advocate' standpoint, because I believe it is important to look at all aspects of an issue.
We are characters on a message board, and I separate who I am personally, with who I am here, this is a place for intellectual thought, debate, mental stimulation, an electronic soap-box, and I thoroughly enjoy it, or I wouldn't do it. One of the great misconceptions, though, is that Dixie is anything like you perceive him to be, in real life.