Democrats’ gaslighting takes a new and disturbing turn

Notice how the lying GOP shill Truth Rejector never once discusses the uncropped video showing what Biden was REALLY doing?

That's because he can't without revealing himself to be another partisan liar.

What we notice is how you parrot DNC lies like a gullible slow-witted moron.

Hey, trumptard, it's your party's report. Don't whine to me, cry to the Republicans. Here's the bad news again, just because I love triggering you, troll-boy:

this is from 2020, dickhole.

the mask been ripped away from the uniparty deep state fucktoids since then.

Your claim that the video proves Biden just "wandered off".

Anyone can watch the uncropped video I posted and see that what you claim is a lie.
No, what they are seeing is you desperately flailing and lying about Biden's serious condition which makes you look even dumber than you already look. :palm:
Still refusing to discuss the uncropped video I posted which exposes your LIE, I see.

Prove what I posted is a lie...if you can, that is.

Let's discuss it. It shows the old dotard wandering off as he was distracted by someone collecting their parachute instead of standing with other leaders for the photo op. Which is the reason the Italian PM escorted him back to the group and others then gathered behind him to ensure he didn't get distracted and wander off again.

That's what everyone saw but you. So now you pound your tiny insignificant fists on the table in desperation to promote some asinine lie that Biden is A OK.

You look stupid. But then, they say that stupid people don't know they are stupid.
Let's discuss it. It shows the old dotard wandering off as he was distracted by someone collecting their parachute instead of standing with other leaders for the photo op. Which is the reason the Italian PM escorted him back to the group and others then gathered behind him to ensure he didn't get distracted and wander off again.

That's what everyone saw but you. So now you pound your tiny insignificant fists on the table in desperation to promote some asinine lie that Biden is A OK.

You look stupid. But then, they say that stupid people don't know they are stupid.
So you acknowledge that the whole "Biden just wandered off" claim from you and so many others is just partisan BS.


Admitting you were wrong is the first step towards becoming a more honest poster!