democrats hate religion

Democrat leaders know that people of faith will stick together and fight for their rights and they don't like that.

example after example of anti christian behavior against religion by democrats, and some pinheads say democrat support religion lol .

Socialist and commies don't like religion , faith can be a weapon and anything they socialist and commies cant control they fear. They know it must be a slow transition of attacking religious rights and gun rights in order to prevent a resistance front of any importance, push to much and people will fight back so they just chip away a little at a time slowly thinking no one will notice the dictator like moves they make.

You sticking w/ jerry fall-well??
You sticking w/ jerry fall-well??

Of course not and I never did. I am not a religious person .
I just posted links to prove my point that many democrats don't care for religion and why I think that.
i have not been to church for decades except for wedding and such.
Of course not and I never did. I am not a religious person .
I just posted links to prove my point that many democrats don't care for religion and why I think that.
i have not been to church for decades except for wedding and such.

lol.......... Agree w/ that... This bait material has been played out 20 years ago.........

There are many dems as well as republicans & trump fans that are not.

There are also many Dems that are....

I personally am not very fond of those that wish legally force adherence to beliefs, which they themselves fail @ following.....