Democrats have special Olympics for morons only


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Yes democrats will be entering thier greatest , only problem is they are the only team entering .

Team members will be,
Aoc the air head , Nadler aka the penguin , Pelosi the meat head , mad maxi pad , chucky the schmuck. Anthony want to see my picture weiner , hillary the greedy lying bitch , and bill take this pill cosby, hunter the crack head , the anti America super squad , and barney frank the weiner man , and honest reverend cocaine Sharpton aka let me hold that dollar big man . blow hole biden aka can I touch you kid will of course be team captain .
Competition is expected to stiff at least untill they realize its only anthony and hunter who are stiff . but democrats only are on the participants.
they are the only ones fighting for the prizes of top moron , dumb ass and dill weed. But there will be no loser's they will all get a participation prize .

A special prize of the biggest liar is going to be issued . Blow hole joe and Pelosi are the favorites to win it.

Aoc and blow hole joe are the favorites to take first prize but its hard to rule out Nadler and hunter as they are strong competition .
Aoc may be new to the games but she has displayed a strong natural ability at such a young age many think she may beat the veteran blow hole joe.
She may be the tiger woods of morons for years to come and be unbeatable in future games for decades to come with such a strong natural ability . Its believed she was born for such a sport just as tiger woods and babe ruth were .
Were you the first one they gave you a gold medal for the retarded olympics? Is that why you are are the head of it?
Were you the first one they gave you a gold medal for the retarded olympics? Is that why you are are the head of it?

No I just covering the event as press .Cnn needed some one and I volunteered so I could get in ,left wing liberal have purchased all the tickets and the event will only be broadcast in dc and I want to see them make fools of them selfs more then usual.
No I just covering the event as press .Cnn needed some one and I volunteered so I could get in ,left wing liberal have purchased all the tickets and the event will only be broadcast in dc and I want to see them make fools of them selfs more then usual.

Here's a recommendation: do not join the Grammar and Spelling part of the Special Olympics.
Bobs kind

The first event is over .
Its was hard to pick a winner the contest was to make a peanut butter and jelly sandwich with 1 slice of bread.
Joe biden Couldn't get the jars open and tried to get a kid for the stands to go back to the dressing room to help him with it and was disqualified.
Nadler said he couldnt do it because the smell of peanut butter reminded him of the smell he made when he pooped his pants.
Pelosi tried to get her maid to do it for her and was disqualified. Every one left tore the bread in half and made a half sandwich. But Aoc won the event. Time was almost up and she had sit there scratching her head thinking about it.huffing and puffing and in the last min she put peanut butter on both sides of the bread then put jelly on both sides with a big smile her face and declared i did it Im the only one to figure it out. The judges all voted for her except o bung hole who voted for barney frank saying the white guy with the big one should win hes so cute
Yes democrats will be entering thier greatest , only problem is they are the only team entering .

Team members will be,
Aoc the air head , Nadler aka the penguin , Pelosi the meat head , mad maxi pad , chucky the schmuck. Anthony want to see my picture weiner , hillary the greedy lying bitch , and bill take this pill cosby, hunter the crack head , the anti America super squad , and barney frank the weiner man , and honest reverend cocaine Sharpton aka let me hold that dollar big man . blow hole biden aka can I touch you kid will of course be team captain .
Competition is expected to stiff at least untill they realize its only anthony and hunter who are stiff . but democrats only are on the participants.
they are the only ones fighting for the prizes of top moron , dumb ass and dill weed. But there will be no loser's they will all get a participation prize .

A special prize of the biggest liar is going to be issued . Blow hole joe and Pelosi are the favorites to win it.

Aoc and blow hole joe are the favorites to take first prize but its hard to rule out Nadler and hunter as they are strong competition .
Aoc may be new to the games but she has displayed a strong natural ability at such a young age many think she may beat the veteran blow hole joe.
She may be the tiger woods of morons for years to come and be unbeatable in future games for decades to come with such a strong natural ability . Its believed she was born for such a sport just as tiger woods and babe ruth were .

Aside from your unsubstantiated source and fact free garbage in and garbage out, what about your beloved lawlessly hacked in Putin and GQP/GOP sewer swine tRump and his gutter insurgency inciting insurrection against the U.S. Capitol in a failed and rag tag attempt to overthrown governance, and a Olympic effort of the sewer to wage war on the 2020 electoral process as a effort to wage war against Democracy and anything else of a civilized nature on Earth? Any good answers?
Aside from your unsubstantiated source and fact free garbage in and garbage out, what about your beloved lawlessly hacked in Putin and GQP/GOP sewer swine tRump and his gutter insurgency inciting insurrection against the U.S. Capitol in a failed and rag tag attempt to overthrown governance, and a Olympic effort of the sewer to wage war on the 2020 electoral process as a effort to wage war against Democracy and anything else of a civilized nature on Earth? Any good answers?
Aww I hurt its feeling . poor thing it need some butt hurt cream ?
Be ready for tomorrows event its a tough one .
Its a real challenge who can chew gum and walk at the same time !!!
This event is a real ball buster for democrats and we will be using bubble suits to protect the upper royalty of the democrat party.
There are no favorites in this event due to the complex nature of the challenge and the skill level involved .
Day 2 chewing gum and walking , It was fierce competition.
Joe biter was in the leed untill he started up steps and tripped 4 times finally doing a header into the steps and busting his head wide open like a watermelon dropped from a 2 story building . All the democrats blamed Donald Trump and said he rigger the steps but back door harris had been seen with a chisel working the steps over. No word on Bidens condition ,however doctors said thankfully his mouth wasn't injured and his head is still just as empty as it was before the accident.
Poor mad maxi was doing good untill a buzzard took a giant shat on her wig causing it to go forward and blind her resulting in her falling into a cotton candy machine head first, ending the competition for her. However every one agreed the green and pink cotton candy that stuck to her head was a great improvement over her 20.00 wig she has. Been wearing for the last 20 years after going bald from a terrible accident involving a hot glue gun and a dildo .

Hunter biter didnt fair well he kept thinking the spearmint gum were long crack rocks and was trying to smoke them . he was disqualified.
Aoc just couldnt get it together the stress of trying to walk and chew gum at the same time resulted in a mental break down requiring sedition .her last words were I cant tale the pressure. Dont fear however she will be back .
The winner was hillary clinton . She gave all the credit to her husband bill .She said thanks to bill I learned how to do a lot of things with my mouth when doing other things he was a great teacher .
Barney frank came in a close second place .
Its seems barney was also accustomed to using his mouth while preforming other tasks .
Both hillary and barney both agreed that they were lucky that owl thing wasnt in the running for this event. They agreed that no one alive has more experience using their mouth and legs at the same time.

The next competition will be held this evening and we will have a surprise judge for this special event which has yet to be announced
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Todays event has now been announced sports fans .
It will be the ever popular temptation do not touch event and as amazing as it sounds Jeffrey Epstein has come back from the dead to be the official! judge for this event !!!
Amazing I know.
Some claim it was made possible by reverend al Sharptons deep religious faith others say That blow hole joe made it possible with a secret executive order and still others claim he faked his death in prison and actually escaped and has been living with Bill Clinton as a house guest all this time !!
We may never know the answer .
this may be the toughest event yet for or liberal heroes, here is how it works.

Each contestant will be placed in front of 2 or more things that they are known for having a weakness for and they must not touch them . there are of course time limits.
And they are hooked up to a stress meter to judge how much will they have compared to the amount of stress the item is generating in the body.

The event has been delayed due to several federal agency's and Interpol and children protecting groups showing up to monitor this event .