Democrats have special Olympics for morons only

well the temptation even was a brutal event and a true winner has yet to be picked , due to a serious issue with the judge.

but lets recap some of the more interesting moments .

Poor al sharpton didn't fair to well his challenge was was difficult there was a 100.00 bill on one table and a stack of ones on another , at first he lost control and headed for the stack of one almost touching them and then he decided to go after both , he just couldnt make up his mind.

hunter biden had to choose between a pile of crack rocks a pile of money and a underage Chinese chick , his stress monitor was red lining and finally he gave in to the crack , sadly for hunter he didnt have a glass dick to smoke the crack out of and no matches, he collapsed in a pile crying for his daddy to help him .

Next came mad maxi , she still had her dark sunglasses on and cotton candy wig, her challenge consisted of 2 tables one had a envelope on it with the words cash bribe on it and the other table had a bucket of fried chicken and water Mellon , at first she was really tempted by the water melon and fried chicken and headed for that table , but from stands camp a spectator by the name of guano screaming you dumb bitch take the bribe and you can buy all the fried chicken and water melon you want, she stalled and looked confused and started to change directions and sadly her stress monitor indicated she was about to have a heart attack and the event was stopped until she could receive medical treatment , at the same time a from from the stands named guano screamed I cant stand it any longer and made a mad dash for the tables , he dived at the last moment trying to avoid the guards and landed on the table with the fried chicken , were still unsure which table he was going for as he had to be baker acted for 72 hours for observation .

Anthony wiener was up next and he has a serious challenge there was a cel phone on one table and a life sized cut out of Anthony naked on another .
he just couldn't make up his mind and exceeded the time limit.

next up was bill Cosby who had a lot of difficulty with the event , one table has a cup of pudding that smelled like a super model another table had a young actress and another table has a bottle of knock out drops on it. sadly the old blind pervert could see what he was doing and kept falling on the ground and tried to hump a a rabbit hole he found when he fell. he was carried off the field crying frustrated and begging for someone to end it all for him .

next up was joey Biden and this is where the issue with the judge occurred causing the competition to be canceled for the day.
one one table was a young boy and on another was a young underage female. joey had prepared him self well he had on a straight jacket and horse blinders and his staff had chained him to the ground with a dog collar around his neck, sadly for Joe he could still smell them and was chocking himself with the dog chain lunging at the tables trying to get to them like a wild beast, foaming at the mouth and mumbling . his stress monitor was red lining and the referee was about to stop the event so joe could be sedated and get medical care when all of a sudden out of the judge booth can Jeffery Epstein running like a demon screaming let me at them get out of the way old man . several members of Interpol blocked his patch and beat him about the head and shoulders with night sticks and used stun guns on his groin several times until the wood went away. The event had to be stopped for the day so Jeff could be returned to the dead status and also so joey Biden could receive a sedative and medical attention due to the fat he was now on the ground crying begging to be allowed to be let go and the fact that jeff had made a mad jump and kicked Joe in the head thankfully joe has had so many head injury's it has little effect on his already diminished mind but it did open up a 12 inch laceration on joeys skull and a severe fracture . but don't worry liberal his mind is still just as it was when he didn't know where he was or know the difference between his wife and sister, hes still the same man you voted for.

But sadly the entire event was canceled for the day due to the loss of a valued judge and so many participants needing medical attention.
there will be a announcement about tomorrows events when the referees decide how to proceed with so many people injured and jailed
the event for tomorrow has now been announced,it will be the dreaded moron obstacle course .
The dream team of democrat morons are all expected to have issues with this even , its a multi stage event where you must overcome physical and political obstacles.

from a foot race to stairways, to hills and the reality meter and truth o meter are just some of the more difficult events to over come .

no we have a update on today's debacle , the mighty guano is still being held for observation in circles of care and heavily sedated, it is expected he will be turned over to the police and placed in jail until bond can be set.

Jeffry has been declared dead again and returned to the Clinton estate , joe is in stable condition after pooping a cork and heavenly sedated but is expected to return to the games tomorrow , even with the severe head injury's he has incurred in the games his team said he has never been better and is just as functional as he has ever been claimed the Marionette representing joey

hunter Biden is in detox and doing well its his 50 th vist to the demo detox center and he is expected to be back on the field tomorrow after reviving his methadone

Poor bill Cosby is out for the season hes been bouncing around like a pin ball due to his lack of sight and sustained several severe injuries, he also slipped on a pudding pop at lunch time when medics tried to give him a pain pill and a sedative he screamed no no I don't want to wake up with a sore butt hole I know what those pills are for , he then made a mad dash for what he thought was a exit but turned out to be the light from window and did a header into the glass and onto the ground busting his thick head open and he will now not be returning to the games for the duration .

well those are the most recent updates for you tune in tomorrow for more democrat moron special Olympics sponsored by the DNC and George Soros and Deviants are us the makers of scratch and sniff.
reporting on the democrat moron obstacle course will have to be broken down into 2 posts as it was a brutal event.

It started out with Hillary Clinton she started out on the foot race and turned in a fairly good time, but took a vodka break before the stairway race and ended up passing out as she climbed the steps falling backwards and bouncing from step to step like a rubber ball, as it turns out she was bouncing on her colostomy bag and it burst open on the last step spraying shit all over her self and chunky schumer . chunky was blinded by the sticky goo that sprayed his face and started running around in circles screaming I can see I cant see and did a header into a light pole .

Both Chuck and Hillary were transported to the hospital after the fire department washed them down with a fire hose to get all the liquid shat off of them. Its estimated she had a good 5 gallons of the putrid yellow baby like shat in it and on them.

Next came Al Sharpton , Al did well on the foot , the stairs and the hill race . He said he has a lot of experience running from the police in his youth and was still in shape. Sadly for the reverend he could not get by the truth o meter, when asked if he had ever done cocaine , scammed money from black people and was a raciest he answered no to all the questions and failed .

Anthony the wiener was up next . he also did well on the foot race but sadly developed a Woodie on the stair climb race and got snagged on a a rusty bolt while running up the stairs . It was a terrible sight as he pulled about 80 percent of his organ was removed when he fell.he was also transported to the hospital after several people from the stands came down and took ics with their cell phones saying this is a hell of a lot a better pic then what he sent me.

Ilhan Omar was up next she , but she did not show. Its reported she was in Minnesota encouraging riots and and assaults on cope and Jews with her 2 husbands.

next up was Rashida Harbi Tlaib, she also was a no show. Seems with Iran having no money to support terrorist against Israel she was out helping raise money for Palestinian terrorist groups
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Wouldn't you rather be out playing a game of tag

No Id prefer to be out playing with my guns or hunting or having sex with the little woman .

edit time I was playing with a gun earlier the laser on my g 43 stopped working , cant go hunting except for pigs and its late and the little woman is working
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ok time for the second half of the democrat moron obstacle course.
blow hole joey started off the course with a amazing vigor for a man with hes head bandaged up and suffering from several incidents of head trauma and pulling all the puppet strings behind him.

Joe did better then expected on the foot race and stairs and hill race even with the puppet strings slowing him down.
but the truth o meter really got him . it asked if he was from a coal mining family , if he really graduated at the top of his class m where he taught as a professor and if he was going to cure cancer , finally he got one right when it asked is hunter really the smartest man you know .
so hes still in the running for the to dog spot.

Next up was pelosi she didn't do so well in any of the events and the reality meter rated her at zero. she might be in the running for dill weed now but its looking bad.

next came aoc she made great times in the foot race and stairs and hill race showing off her youthful moves and great boobs and legs , she did well in the truth o meter as it could detect if she ws lying or telling the truth but the reality meter did her in she came up with a minus 30 score a record .
but she is still in the running and may be the new favorite for top moron .

Tomorrows game will be delayed as we cant expect democrats to work more then 3 days with out time off . so the games will resume when they have rested , bailed out of jail , and released for the hospital er .
the democrats are sill resting up from a brutal 3 day work week and may need as much as a week off for them all to get rested make bail and heal up in the ER .
The games were scheduled to start again today, but there was a problem .

There was a cancel bob movement sponsored by the national alliance,A drug dealer in key west , a conservative militia , guano, Hoosier , flamingidiot ,a twisted lefty and Joe biter dutch dummy and owl thing and hunter blow hole . this caused a emergency session of the house to be called in order for a nut bar bill to be voted on to cancel me.