DEMOCRATS killed the economy so they could blame Trump & claim they saved it

He is working hard on dealing with the Pandemic, unlike the Idiot we just fired.


Biden says nothing can change the trajectory of the Covid pandemic over the next several months
That’s actually funny lol.

So, as long as things are going swimmingly it’s the Obama economy. But as soon as things head south, it ceases to be Obama’s economy and becomes Trump’s economy. Nifty how that works out.

The fact is, the economy was tanked by *the actions* of governors and local leaders. COVID didn’t tank the economy—the government did that. State and local governments.

I’ll keep repeating the same facts as much as necessary.

That actually is logical. Obama left Trump a vibrant and growing economy. Trump left a mess. That is simple to see. You cannot blame Obama for what happened 4 years later.
The economy was trashed when trump mishandled the Trump virus. He could have done a lot to fend it off and make its impact weaker. Instead, he golfed certain that it would just go away. We are still paying for that.
Trump does not believe in science. He substitutes his beliefs for facts and preaches them. We are paying for his ignorance. trump points fingers in all directions, except at himself. he was the most powerful man on the planet and it is the governor's fault. The virus is anyone but his fault. He picked those who led the virus campaign and hamstrung them with his stubborn stupidity if he did his on, the shutting down might have never had to happen. Trump did what he always does, he handled everything ignoring experts and fucked everything up.
That actually is logical. Obama left Trump a vibrant and growing economy. Trump left a mess. That is simple to see. You cannot blame Obama for what happened 4 years later.
The economy was trashed when trump mishandled the Trump virus. He could have done a lot to fend it off and make its impact weaker. Instead, he golfed certain that it would just go away. We are still paying for that.
Trump does not believe in science. He substitutes his beliefs for facts and preaches them. We are paying for his ignorance. trump points fingers in all directions, except at himself. he was the most powerful man on the planet and it is the governor's fault. The virus is anyone but his fault. He picked those who led the virus campaign and hamstrung them with his stubborn stupidity if he did his on, the shutting down might have never had to happen. Trump did what he always does, he handled everything ignoring experts and fucked everything up.


The economy was crashed by the states under the guidance of the federal medical bureaucracy. If you want to assign someone’s name to the present economy—and be halfway accurate, call it the Fauci Economy because his fingerprints are all over it.

The virus didn’t crash the economy—the government did that. Trump stood by, literally helpless, as the economy he helped build through his EO’s that eased Obama era regulations—was crashed by people with names like Cuomo and Whitmer.

Watch as people with names like Cuomo and Whitmer take their *Jack Boots* off the necks of their respective economies and help to revive ‘Biden’s economy’ on a state by state basis.

Facts are what they are. You can’t make them go away. And I won’t sit here and watch people muddle them.

The economy was crashed by the states under the guidance of the federal medical bureaucracy. If you want to assign someone’s name to the present economy—and be halfway accurate, call it the Fauci Economy because his fingerprints are all over it.

The virus didn’t crash the economy—the government did that. Trump stood by, literally helpless, as the economy he helped build through his EO’s that eased Obama era regulations—was crashed by people with names like Cuomo and Whitmer.

Watch as people with names like Cuomo and Whitmer take their *Jack Boots* off the necks of their respective economies and help to revive ‘Biden’s economy’ on a state by state basis.

Facts are what they are. You can’t make them go away. And I won’t sit here and watch people muddle them.


Trump crashed the economy by ignoring COVID.

lockdowns destroyed the economy.
Trump called for the lockdowns after Fauci's fearmogering that lockdowns would stop the spread
that is not "ignoring"

You can't rewrite history.

We have too much video & audio.

Trump tried to downplay and ignore COVID, the entire time. He was a terrible crisis President. It's really the main reason he lost.
Empty narrative.

Granted, it was quite effective with the low information voters, but empty nevertheless.

Some of those voters are having second thoughts but I don’t feel their pain. Not even a little bit.

Link for the bolded?

If the election was held today, Trump would lose by even more.
Link for the bolded?

If the election was held today, Trump would lose by even more.

The unions are pissed over Biden closing the Keystone pipeline. Those were union jobs Biden killed. Lots of really good paying union jobs—and this was done while the economy is on the ropes.

What were they expecting? Weren’t they paying attention? Like I said, I don’t feel their pain.
You can't rewrite history.

We have too much video & audio.

Trump tried to downplay and ignore COVID, the entire time. He was a terrible crisis President. It's really the main reason he lost.
no the reason he lost is the NARRATIVE he underplayed it
He didn't want to panic, and there is no evidence he did not do everything he could ( even banning flights that Biden said was "xenophobic") to 'stop the spread.'

are you gonna cliam not wearing a mask caused the spread? ROFL.. masks dont do damn thing
Well, he got a big boost from WHO when they finally revised the PCR cycle guidelines, finally.

Checked the national case numbers lately?

I check the numbers daily, we are slowly getting to the end of the tunnel, as I said at least we have someone in the WH that has not gotten Bored with it and actively trying to kill more Americans.
no the reason he lost is the NARRATIVE he underplayed it
He didn't want to panic, and there is no evidence he did not do everything he could ( even banning flights that Biden said was "xenophobic") to 'stop the spread.'

are you gonna cliam not wearing a mask caused the spread? ROFL.. masks dont do damn thing

Trump mishandled it *politically*.

No arguing that point. But from a practical standpoint, the economic effects land squarely at the feet of the medical bureaucracy and the states. From an epidemiological standpoint, the virus was going to virus once it was sufficiently established in our population.

And that occurred well before ANYONE was going to change the ultimate death toll. Because of the lying Chinese communist bastards. NOT the Chinese people—their communist government.

They are evil.
As Trump is literally Hitler - or Satan if you prefer - he is responsible for all evil in the country & world, including economic.

I thought this was common knowledge...
Trump isn’t smart enough to be Hitler or Satan, thank the Goddess for that :laugh:
I check the numbers daily, we are slowly getting to the end of the tunnel, as I said at least we have someone in the WH that has not gotten Bored with it and actively trying to kill more Americans.

At least Biden has the WHO on his side.

Didn’t The Big Guy allow the WHO back into our good graces after they helped China to screw us? I seem to recall something like that.
At least Biden has the WHO on his side.

Didn’t The Big Guy allow the WHO back into our good graces after they helped China to screw us? I seem to recall something like that.

We screwed ourselves, or better put some here screwed the rest of us.

South Dakota's governor turned down extra unemployment funding. Her state doesn’t need it.

Only 3 states have held the line on employment, according to new data, and and all 3 are Republican-led.

Between December 2019 and December 2020, only South Dakota, Alaska, and Nebraska escaped increases in unemployment.

“Last year, we saw governments all across the country shut down people’s lives. American citizens could run their business, or send their children to school,” South Dakota Governor Kristi Noem said.

“COVID didn’t crush the economy. Government crushed the economy.”

The top 10 states with the highest unemployment rate in December 2020 were all shut down by their DEMOCRAT governors.

Progressive paradise Califpornia leads the nation in unemployment (9%), followed by Colorado (8.4 %), Connecticut (8.0 percent), Hawaii (9.3 percent), Illinois (7.6 percent), Blue Jersey (7.6 percent), Blue Mexico (8.2 percent), Blue York (8.2 percent), Nevada (9.2 percent), and Rhode Island (8.1).

your assertion that asg was a democrat is incorrect
The economy was in a recession before COVID

The economy entered a recession in February 2020, a month before any COVID lockdowns started:

It's official: Recession began in February, ending longest U.S. expansion ever

And manufacturing had been in a recession for all of 2019, again before COVID was even a thing:

U.S. manufacturing was in a mild recession during 2019, a sore spot for the economy

This was a self-inflicted wound and you have the 2018 tax cut to thank.
lockdowns destroyed the economy.


Tax cuts destroyed the economy, which entered a recession in February 2020, a month before any COVID lockdows started:

It's official: Recession began in February, ending longest U.S. expansion ever

And your tax cuts plunged manufacturing into a recession a full year before COVID was even a thing:

U.S. manufacturing was in a mild recession during 2019, a sore spot for the economy