That's hate speech and a dangerous idea. You're a targeted high-risk potential extremist.
But parading a severed head of a duly elected president but that stupid cunt griffen is not hate speech. Or when that syphilis infected material girl said she wanted to blow up the withe house, that's unifying speech
That's protected speech. They were "resisting", you racist fascist sexist.
You better get a head start as it will be required reading for you and yours in the reeducation camps
There's joe the imbecile "president" bending over for what the Chinese have planned for him and us.
You have no idea what the word "think" means do you? You just write dumbass shit. How do you type with your head up your ass?
Yes I saw it. And the idiots have no idea why people hate the left in this country
There's joe the imbecile "president" bending over for what the Chinese have planned for him and us.
The failing New York Times
Appears "copy and paste" swallowed yet another one of Trump's lies, shocker
You better get a head start as it will be required reading for you and yours in the reeducation camps
That's hate speech and a dangerous idea. You're a targeted high-risk potential extremist.