Democrats Move to Disenfranchise Voters in 46 States

1735064922261.pngAll white men, but especially black men, all think Trump is this great business man who's gonna show them all how to get rich on his time.....all want to be like Trump. Welp, fella's, the man has a history of fails and will continue to fail...why? Because he's a conman and a loser, good luck with your hero, you dumb fuck heads.
Ohh look, more Stalinist Hate and absolute fucking lies.

Hey Stupidfuck - Why did Traitor Joe has so many MORE Covid Deaths - nearly twice as many - since he had the "vaccine" that TOTALLY WORKS (/sarcasm)

You really are stupid as a stump, @Guno צְבִי
1735065077716.pngEverything is a fuckin lie to you moronic simps. But time will tell, just wait for another Trump fail, only this time its our country and fools like you that will fail along with him