Democrats on the brink of caving, again.

You know, some other nations exist without the veto.
And have they existed as long? Most of Europe went over to authoritarian rule at some point in the 20th century.

They seem to being doing about as good as us. In fact, better, because they're not crippled by conservatism.
Yeah, they're doing so much better, they keep moving over here, while very few Americans move over there. Makes sense.

Why does more democracy prevent dictatorshipo, Dano? You seem to believe at every step that keeping as much power out of the hands of people is as good as it can be. Just like the ignorant conservative you are. Well, you know Dano, the more you make things harder to change, the more you concentrate power into the hands of a few elites. A democracy becomes a dictatorship whenever a majority holds the exact same position. A "reserved" democracy becomes a dictatorship long before that.
LOL. The power is being kept out of the hands of government. Just because a lot of people, maybe even most, desire government to direct and take care of them, does not mean they are gaining more power, they are gaining dependence and nothing more.
But I and many others don't wish to lose our power as individuals to government, so tough shit, that's the difference between a republic and a democracy.

"In a republican nation whose citizens are to be led by reason and persuasion and not by force, the art of reasoning becomes of first importance." – Thomas Jefferson, 1824

All your life you've been fighting against it, now you'll finally be benefitting. Just learn humility.

Not when people see the price tag, Liberal Oregon rejected it once they saw the giant tax increase needed. So will most of America.
Costs are already increasing much faster in just one year in Mass.

"If you think health care is expensive now, wait until you see what it costs when it's free." – P.J. O'Rourke (1993)
Why is the veto called a POWER, Dano? The president just uses it to assert more of his power.
Yeah, his power to STOP government and by doing so keeps more power in the people's hands (assuming (correctly) that most bills passed up to him involve more government).
He only uses it to bully the legislature into passing the bills he wants.
You are wrong son.
For one he has barely even used it all:

For another they have been used to stop spending like SCHIP and federal stem cell research funding, NOT for pushing other bills. Good for Bush.

If you want someone who vetoes to try and get congress do what he wants because he won't accept anything from anyone else, check out FDR.