Democrats push to eliminate the debt ceiling, allow unlimited government borrowing need some real, Treasury Department data instead of that fake crap from the Demmycrat, educate yourself....

did you even know that we added $26.4T to the national debt while Nancy led the demmycrats?......

Are you even slightly honest in your presentation?

Did you know MItch led the Republi'CANS' when we added $26.4T to the national debt?

Did you know Cruz and LIndsey Graham were in gov't then too? What does that mean, other than you have no legit way to make a point?

It is simply FACT that Republican POTUS, even when handed hot economies as fixed by the democrats (Clinton to BushJr and Obama to Trump) end up still running up all sorts of debt and then handing off crap economies to the Democrats to fix AGAIN (BushJr to Obama and Trump to Biden).

So if you want to know how to ruin a hot economy (like Clinton or Obama's) give them to GOP leadership.
It is simply FACT that Republican POTUS, even when handed hot economies as fixed by the democrats (Clinton to BushJr and Obama to Trump) end up still running up all sorts of debt and then handing off crap economies to the Democrats to fix AGAIN (BushJr to Obama and Trump to Biden).

better check you math, Buttercup.......Obama holds the current record for adding to the national debt......

even Clinton was flailing until the Republicans took over congress.......remember how Bill said the Republicans were going to doom the economy with those drastic spending cuts that the demmycrats like to brag about now?
Cite what you think in that link disputes that Trump added more debt to the National Debt than both BushJr and Obama combined?

the chart which shows the national debt increments by year......the only year that Trump had with an average of more than $1T a year was the year Nancy wrote the budget and it went to $5.4T......thanks, demmycrats.....
There is no such thing as a debt ceiling. Nothing keeps Congress from going into further debt (other than no one wanting to lend them money). Yes, we need less spending.
Remember the first purpose of any government agency is to justify themselves. They make no profit, so that is not their success metric. Instead the success metric is to justify themselves. If they have to manufacture a crisis to look like the cavalry coming to the rescue, they will do it. They do not want to actually solve a problem, since that would reduce justification for their department.

First they need to get rid of baseline budgeting then they need to actually do the budget by department and stop the omnibus budgets. They need to stop raising the debt ceiling
Whatever amount was due to Covid, could've and should have been far less had not trump lied about the dangers from day 1. Had he been totally honest with us, we wouldn't have faced the economic disaster he began. It's his deficits no matter how you look at it. if you noticed, even without Covid, he was running deficits of over $1 trillion a year. All from the man who promised balanced budgets. He made a whole lots of promises and delivered on few.

More Trump hate to justify how democrats screwed up with lockdowns
Why can't GOP derps learn something?

The debt ceiling has nothing to do, NOTHING, with spending. It is about paying off prior approved debt.

So if you want to stop gov't debt ballooning, stop it at the budget process by getting republicans to stop voting for tax cuts for the rich while exploding up spending like Trump did.

You cannot have Trump like GOPers spend a ton, run up the credit cards and then blame the Democrats who have to come in after and pay those prior bills while they get the house back in order.

Then whyb do they have to keep raising it if they are not spending more?
Trump committed treason!

Trump committed no treason. Biden has though:
* Biden gave weapons to the enemy in time of war.
* Biden exposed classified documents to the Chinese government and possibly others.
* Biden is trying to foment a civil war.
* Biden and the Democrats were instrumental in causing the 2020 and 2022 election faults through election fraud.

Any one of these is treason.
Trump committed no treason. Biden has though:
* Biden gave weapons to the enemy in time of war.
* Biden exposed classified documents to the Chinese government and possibly others.
* Biden is trying to foment a civil war.
* Biden and the Democrats were instrumental in causing the 2020 and 2022 election faults through election fraud.

Any one of these is treason.

And none of them are true