Democrats = Pussies

ugh. I don't want to be put in the same boat with Dano.

I am not putting you in Danoman’s boat LadyT, I am putting you in the Jaws “bigger boat”, as in “we cons are going to need a bigger boat” and we cannot afford leaks like Danoman? You are a superior poster to Danoman by far that is why I am trying to trade Dano to the libs and get them to give me you, and knowing libs they are just stupit enough to make the trade? Think about it, what do you have to loose, on the conservative side you can be a big fish in a little pond, butt still take a back seat to the mensaman of course. Stay with the libs and you are a big fish in a big pond, you will make a much bigger splash with us, other than mensaman our heaviest hitter is SuperFreak, who would be considered a pee wee herman, mental midget type poster on any other board, need I say moore?
Stupid ass backwater brain-dead bullshit like

Americans are decidely FOR nationalized healthcare .. who gives a fuck what you think?

As a general principle perhaps, but the tune changes dramatically when they have to look at the bill and how it will be implemented.

Oh sure, all americans WANT there to be no hunger, disease, or poverty in our country... but guess what? That doesn't mean america would support specific POLICIES that CLAIM to take us in that direction.

As for caring what the fuck dano, or anyone thinks - could you sound anymore selfish? Americans were decidedly for maintaining slavery, who gave a FUCK what they thought?

Americans were decidedly against women suffrage, who gave a FUCK what they thought?

In a democratic system you are going to get a divergence of opinion, and you are going to get people that are going to try to PUSH for change in whatever direction, REGARDLESS if it is popular at the time.

You stupid, ignorant prole... you belong to an idealogy (progressive) that has a heritage of pushing for change during times when it might not have been popular, but did so anyway because you believed it to be the right thing.... (progressives always deal with being the political minority at first)...only now to have the AUDACITY to disparage those that may have a viewpoint that is not the majority.

It's hypocritical, selfish, tyrannical, and stupid.

But then again..

Who the FUCK cares what you think?

Certainly not I.
I am not putting you in Danoman’s boat LadyT, I am putting you in the Jaws “bigger boat”, as in “we cons are going to need a bigger boat” and we cannot afford leaks like Danoman? You are a superior poster to Danoman by far that is why I am trying to trade Dano to the libs and get them to give me you, and knowing libs they are just stupit enough to make the trade? Think about it, what do you have to loose, on the conservative side you can be a big fish in a little pond, butt still take a back seat to the mensaman of course. Stay with the libs and you are a big fish in a big pond, you will make a much bigger splash with us, other than mensaman our heaviest hitter is SuperFreak, who would be considered a pee wee herman, mental midget type poster on any other board, need I say moore?

Who is this guy? Is he for real?
Yeah man, I'm sure I'd do real well over in the Liberal camp, why I shore can't think of any other rightie that loves Liberals more than I do!
I am not putting you in Danoman’s boat LadyT, I am putting you in the Jaws “bigger boat”, as in “we cons are going to need a bigger boat” and we cannot afford leaks like Danoman? You are a superior poster to Danoman by far that is why I am trying to trade Dano to the libs and get them to give me you, and knowing libs they are just stupit enough to make the trade? Think about it, what do you have to loose, on the conservative side you can be a big fish in a little pond, butt still take a back seat to the mensaman of course. Stay with the libs and you are a big fish in a big pond, you will make a much bigger splash with us, other than mensaman our heaviest hitter is SuperFreak, who would be considered a pee wee herman, mental midget type poster on any other board, need I say moore?

ugh. I don't want to be put in the same boat with Dano.
You wouldn't be, didn't you hear him? I would go over to the Liberal side and you would go over to the Conservative side.
So we'd still be on opposite teams sweetheart.
As a general principle perhaps, but the tune changes dramatically when they have to look at the bill and how it will be implemented.

Oh sure, all americans WANT there to be no hunger, disease, or poverty in our country... but guess what? That doesn't mean america would support specific POLICIES that CLAIM to take us in that direction.

As for caring what the fuck dano, or anyone thinks - could you sound anymore selfish? Americans were decidedly for maintaining slavery, who gave a FUCK what they thought?

Americans were decidedly against women suffrage, who gave a FUCK what they thought?

In a democratic system you are going to get a divergence of opinion, and you are going to get people that are going to try to PUSH for change in whatever direction, REGARDLESS if it is popular at the time.

You stupid, ignorant prole... you belong to an idealogy (progressive) that has a heritage of pushing for change during times when it might not have been popular, but did so anyway because you believed it to be the right thing.... (progressives always deal with being the political minority at first)...only now to have the AUDACITY to disparage those that may have a viewpoint that is not the majority.

It's hypocritical, selfish, tyrannical, and stupid.

But then again..

Who the FUCK cares what you think?

Certainly not I.

Well you are certainly entitled to that opinion, but you might want to rethink the word "stupid."

While it is indeed true that most Americans favored slavery at one time, they got smarter, and I think it's fairly safe to say that it ain't (eb) ever going to favored again in this country. Would you have any doubts about that?

I also think that's fairly safe to say about women's rights as well.

It seems I need a lot of crayons around here because I wasn't mocking unpopular opinion .. I was mocking right-wing opinion .. make that failed right-wing opinion. If you had been following the bouncing ball in my conversation with Dano, you could have figured that out. .. I know, it's that hand/eye coordination thing.

Additionally, I'm not a progressive .. which is what liberals who fear what republicans say about liberals call themselves.

I assume by the twitching of your panties that you're a conservative.

With all that is known and before the world today .. you're talking about the failures of who? .. "Progressives" ???

That's deep.

I can see you are truly a deep dude.

Ahh, Mr. Deepness .. try taking a slow ass stroll past that thing they call a mirror.

Progressives? .. Yep, that's what's wrong with America .. "progressives"

A) When you say... "X is mainstream so who cares what you think".. you are implying that because you supposedly have majority support that dano's specific minority opinion doesn't matter. You can deny all you want but that's what you were doing.

B) I use the term progressive as one who pushes for change. I wasn't using it in the political colloquial sense. Progressive: 1 a: of, relating to, or characterized by progress b: making use of or interested in new ideas, findings, or opportunities.

C) I made NO mention OR implication of the failures of progressives, nor did I say progressives are what's wrong with america. NOW who needs the crayons?

The rest of your post is just babble.
A) When you say... "X is mainstream so who cares what you think".. you are implying that because you supposedly have majority support that dano's specific minority opinion doesn't matter. You can deny all you want but that's what you were doing.

B) I use the term progressive as one who pushes for change. I wasn't using it in the political colloquial sense. Progressive: 1 a: of, relating to, or characterized by progress b: making use of or interested in new ideas, findings, or opportunities.

C) I made NO mention OR implication of the failures of progressives, nor did I say progressives are what's wrong with america. NOW who needs the crayons?

The rest of your post is just babble.

"Babble" is a good word.

A) Those of us who knew that the war on terror, Saddam has WMD, and the plethora of lies and deceptions was all bullshit did so from the minority opinion. I fought against electronic voting from the minority opinion .. which has become the majority opinion.

I'll be more than happy to debate you if you can find something honest to talk about beyond the .. what was that word .. babble.

Grab your Etch-A-Sketch and draw this .. "blackascoal was taking about failed opinion, not unpopular opinion."

Get back to me when you read it.

B) Makes sense.

I simply have a knee-jerk reaction to being compared to most liberals and progressives.

C) "only now to have the AUDACITY to disparage those that may have a viewpoint that is not the majority."

Audacity is another good word and absolutely I have the audacity to call what is proven failed and stupid, failed and stupid. Once again, I mock the stupid, not the unpopular.

You're a smart guy and I'm betting that you can form an argument that challenges my AUDACITY to mock the stupid.

Give it a shot
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Gore won the election. The felons list gave Bush the election by disenfranchising voters in Florida.

Then Gore bent over, dropped his pants, and cried "Mommy."

Clinton handed Gore the presidency and Gore ran away from it.

Nader had nothing to do with that .. and what makes you think that people who voted for Nader, like me, would have voted for Gore if Nader was on the ticket?

Trust me, Gore/Lieberman was never going to get my vote and Gore wouldn't get it now as long as Lieberman was on the ticket.
Like I said Nader helped by trimming the vote so Bush could steal it.

I never said Nader should not have been on the ballot.

If the felons list in Florida had not exsisted then thousands of legal voters would have been allowed to vote. Gore would have won even with Nader running. Yes Liberman is a asshole. Gore chose him to fight the R calls of being the liberal extreme. He should have just picked someone else because the Rs will call anyone in the Dem party liberal extreme. The republican party cheats and will cheat in the next election.
Like I said Nader helped by trimming the vote so Bush could steal it.

I never said Nader should not have been on the ballot.

If the felons list in Florida had not exsisted then thousands of legal voters would have been allowed to vote. Gore would have won even with Nader running. Yes Liberman is a asshole. Gore chose him to fight the R calls of being the liberal extreme. He should have just picked someone else because the Rs will call anyone in the Dem party liberal extreme. The republican party cheats and will cheat in the next election.

It sounds like you're saying that if rapists, sex offenders and murderers were able to vote, then Gore would have won.
It's almost certainly true, they would of course vote for candidates who are softer on crime, which is of course the Democrat party.
Like I said Nader helped by trimming the vote so Bush could steal it.

I never said Nader should not have been on the ballot.

If the felons list in Florida had not exsisted then thousands of legal voters would have been allowed to vote. Gore would have won even with Nader running. Yes Liberman is a asshole. Gore chose him to fight the R calls of being the liberal extreme. He should have just picked someone else because the Rs will call anyone in the Dem party liberal extreme. The republican party cheats and will cheat in the next election.

But you never answered the question of what makes you think Nader voters would have voted for Gore. That's the giant gaping hole in the "Nader did it" theory.

Of course republicans are going to cheat, that's what they do and caging is the next trojan horse .. but just as consistent as republican cheating is the knowledge that democrats won't do a damn thing about it.

In 2003, Walden O'Dell of Diebold announced that he was "committed to helping Ohio deliver its electoral votes to the president next year." And he did just that very thing and Ohio replaced Florida as the center of a bloodless coup.

Democrats just scratched their heads and did nothing.

Gore's loss in 2000 was tainted of course, but so was his misreably weak strategy and he didn't have the balls to stand and fight.

Hey, maybe he finally figutred out that if he won, there was going to be Mossad bullet with his name on it.

Then where would global warming be. :cool: