Democrats say, 'Trump is Trying to Steal your Democracy'


Verified User
Meanwhile Democrats are............

Importing millions of fake asylum seekers to battleground states to create one-party Democrat rule.

Pack the Supreme Court to remove it as a separate branch of government.

Remove the filibuster to neuter the minority party.

Censor and jail dissenters as "misinformation."

Control 90 to 95% of the news industry to keep the public uninformed via a mesh network of hoaxes,
from Fine People Hoax to the J6 insurrection hoax.

Bankrupt and jail independent political voices.

Maintain a voting system that cannot be fully audited, by design.

Take away your most useful firearms.

Weaponize assassins of political opponents via media messaging.

If Trump is stealing or destroying our Democracy by Making America Great Again as it once was during his #45
presidency, then I've got to believe that Democrats are off their rockers in thinking that Trump wants to destroy
our Democracy or our Constitutional Republic. These Dems are just braindead!
claim concerns about the president are cheap fakes, then throw out votes and replace him with someone that would likely never win a nation wide democratic primary if we had other options
With the ghost look of not having any liberals react to this post, one can only surmise that all libs here are truly
unable to tell us why those un-democratic policies from the OP aren't reason enough to say that it's the Dummycrats
who are the biggest threat to their democracy or to my Constitutional Republic.
Meanwhile Democrats are............

Importing millions of fake asylum seekers to battleground states to create one-party Democrat rule.

Pack the Supreme Court to remove it as a separate branch of government.

Remove the filibuster to neuter the minority party.

Censor and jail dissenters as "misinformation."

Control 90 to 95% of the news industry to keep the public uninformed via a mesh network of hoaxes,
from Fine People Hoax to the J6 insurrection hoax.

Bankrupt and jail independent political voices.

Maintain a voting system that cannot be fully audited, by design.

Take away your most useful firearms.

Weaponize assassins of political opponents via media messaging.

If Trump is stealing or destroying our Democracy by Making America Great Again as it once was during his #45
presidency, then I've got to believe that Democrats are off their rockers in thinking that Trump wants to destroy
our Democracy or our Constitutional Republic. These Dems are just braindead!
1/6 proved that beyond a doubt.
Meanwhile Democrats are............

Importing millions of fake asylum seekers to battleground states to create one-party Democrat rule.

Pack the Supreme Court to remove it as a separate branch of government.

Remove the filibuster to neuter the minority party.

Censor and jail dissenters as "misinformation."

Control 90 to 95% of the news industry to keep the public uninformed via a mesh network of hoaxes,
from Fine People Hoax to the J6 insurrection hoax.

Bankrupt and jail independent political voices.

Maintain a voting system that cannot be fully audited, by design.

Take away your most useful firearms.

Weaponize assassins of political opponents via media messaging.

If Trump is stealing or destroying our Democracy by Making America Great Again as it once was during his #45
presidency, then I've got to believe that Democrats are off their rockers in thinking that Trump wants to destroy
our Democracy or our Constitutional Republic. These Dems are just braindead!
All lies. My goodness, you show the forum that Trump people are lying scumbags.
Hadn't read 1984 since high school.

I would encourage anyone who doesn't believe the democrats are the problem to revisit or read it for the first time.

It's quite chilling and describes what they have been up to in an uncanny way.
Trump organized the Capitol attack.
Trump told them to go there patriotically and peacefully. If a few got out hand then Trump wasn't there to babysit them. And it was nancy peolosi who refused the 10,000 guards/police that Trump told her to secure the capitol building. any danage done by
those trespassers was a done at the hand of pelosi's determination not to take Trump's advice.
Trump told them to go there patriotically and peacefully. If a few got out hand then Trump wasn't there to babysit them. And it was nancy peolosi who refused the 10,000 guards/police that Trump told her to secure the capitol building.
Did Trump say anything besides "go there patriotically and peacefully."
Meanwhile Democrats are............

Importing millions of fake asylum seekers to battleground states to create one-party Democrat rule.

Pack the Supreme Court to remove it as a separate branch of government.

Remove the filibuster to neuter the minority party.

Censor and jail dissenters as "misinformation."

Control 90 to 95% of the news industry to keep the public uninformed via a mesh network of hoaxes,
from Fine People Hoax to the J6 insurrection hoax.

Bankrupt and jail independent political voices.

Maintain a voting system that cannot be fully audited, by design.

Take away your most useful firearms.

Weaponize assassins of political opponents via media messaging.

If Trump is stealing or destroying our Democracy by Making America Great Again as it once was during his #45
presidency, then I've got to believe that Democrats are off their rockers in thinking that Trump wants to destroy
our Democracy or our Constitutional Republic. These Dems are just braindead!