Democrats say, 'Trump is Trying to Steal your Democracy'

The WOKE Death Cult adores Anti-Truth, the goal is to scramble brains so people give up trying to figure out the truth, and instead do as we are told.

Education and moral courage together is the antidote.
Your "points" are not true and are insulting. You have no idea how badly you are conned by Trump ,Fox and Qanon. Your exclusive right wing reading has made you a believer in lies and propaganda. The Dems keep saving us from Repub damage.

At some point I believe that it is impossible to reason across this gulf. Any rational independent observer could easily tell that there is no moral equivalence between the two sides and that most of the worst accusations from the Right seldom seem rooted in reality.

Sure the Left does some stupid shit and sure there are extremists on the Left who do seem to want crazy things to happen. But by and large the Left is nothing like what they are presented to be by DJT.

Anyone who listens to DJT speak will note that there is literally NOTHING he has done that hasn't been the BEST or the BEST IN ALL OF HISTORY or THE GREATEST or the LARGEST. It's all extreme positions. There's no rational person who thinks Trump created the greatest US economy in its history. That's absurd. But that's par for the course for the MAGA movement.
There's no rational person who thinks Trump created the greatest US economy in its history. That's absurd. But that's par for the course for the MAGA movement.

Whether one would agree or not agree that our economy was the greatest in American history during Trump's 4 years, would you agree or not agree that Trump's economy was 100% or perhaps only 99% better than the economy we've had these past 3 1/2 years under the biden administration?
Whether one would agree or not agree that our economy was the greatest in American history during Trump's 4 years, would you agree or not agree that Trump's economy was 100% or perhaps only 99% better than the economy we've had these past 3 1/2 years under the biden administration?

Not really.

While he enjoyed a pre-covid lower inflation rate and the COVID lockdowns instituted during the Pandemic resulted in pent-up demand which, when "un-pent up" resulted in an inflationary spike.

As for the rest of it, well, I guess the graphs can speak for themselves:



