Democrats tried to keep Hunter Biden IRS whistleblower testimony secret

Not the Dems. It is a House Committee that has the power. Ways and Means routinely requests taxes and information about people. They have that power.
Trump is the only candidate in the last 60 years who did not release his taxes. The prick actually criticized Romney for not giving up his. He said if he were running, he would give them up. That is how long Trump has been lying about taxes. You call Biden a crook. He released his taxes. Show us the money he stole. When in office, the IRS does the president's and VPs taxes. Trump forbid them from doing his and Pence's. He included Pences. because if were just his it would look even worse.
You are as usual, wrong.

The Democrats did not care about anything besides their hate for Trump as their dog and ponyshow showed us
Bullshit, Democrats voted against having the testimony made public because it involved another individual’s private tax records, which is probably exactly why the Republicans wanted it released. When the Democrats were looking into Trump they had to go all the way to the Supreme Court to make his Taxes public record, but it appears this time, rules and regulations didn’t bother the House idiots

Always the same, Murdoch shovels shit and the lemmings all fall for it instantly

Because the IRS already looked at his taxes and the Democrats found nothing it was a political ploy
Party is all that matters to the Democrats they put party above the country

That's ridiculous. When Democrats pass laws they don't check to make sure only Democrats receive value from them. Voting rights acts are for everyone, just Democrats.
No, Democrats don't wish to block people from voting like Republicans do. The reason: Republicans know they their ideas are unpopular, so they have to make it harder for people to vote to win. The article you just posted proves MY point, not yours.

No democrats want you to vote often as long as you vote Democrat they even want illegals to vote

In the States Trump was behind early his supporters chanted - Count the vote, count the vote.

But in the States where Trump was leading early his supporters chanted - Stop the vote.

Their hypocrisy and lack of any ethics knows no bounds.

Conservaclowns are broken mentally. Complete devoid of anything resembling a consistent ethical core.
Ah yes. Now I remember. trump on t.v. demanding that counting stop at midnight while he was ahead.
Ah yes. Now I remember. trump on t.v. demanding that counting stop at midnight while he was ahead.

Ya but it is so much worse than that.

I am pretty sure it was Ohio, that counted the Mail in votes first, which is the opposite of most States, and thus Biden jumped out to an early lead. The Trump sheep did not know though, so they showed up at the counting areas and started to chant 'Stop the Count...Stop the count' as was happening in most States. Then they got some results released and realized Trump was behind and you see the people going thru the crowd telling them and they switch to 'Finish the count... Finish the count'.

It just ends the lie that there is any belief behind their position other than 'any thing that makes us win'.
No, Democrats don't wish to block people from voting like Republicans do. The reason: Republicans know they their ideas are unpopular, so they have to make it harder for people to vote to win. The article you just posted proves MY point, not yours.

The Repubs do not want to block all people from voting, just the specific groups who are unlikely to vote for them. The repubs realized that their policies of giving as much as possible to the wealthy and corporations are not that popular. So they discover ways to stay in power with fewer votes. Gerrymandering has been around for a long time. It took the Repubs to industrialize it. They discovered computer programs to keep power with fewer votes. The Dems lagged on that and still do. When fair districting is presented, it is done by Dems. The Repubs fight it.
They also remove as many people as they can from voting rolls. Florida is famous for that. They know that the larger the turnout, the more likely Reds will lose.
The Repubs do not want to block all people from voting, just the specific groups who are unlikely to vote for them. The repubs realized that their policies of giving as much as possible to the wealthy and corporations are not that popular. So they discover ways to stay in power with fewer votes. Gerrymandering has been around for a long time. It took the Repubs to industrialize it. They discovered computer programs to keep power with fewer votes. The Dems lagged on that and still do. When fair districting is presented, it is done by Dems. The Repubs fight it.
They also remove as many people as they can from voting rolls. Florida is famous for that. They know that the larger the turnout, the more likely Reds will lose.

Exactly more people voting translates to GOP losses.