Democrats' Turn To Socialism Is Ominous Sign For The Party — And For The Country??

“The Democrats are becoming avowed Socialists.”

No, they are not!

“The Nazi's were avowed Socialists. ”

By this logic, all Democrats are Nazis, right?

“Republicans are mostly Capitalists and reject Socialism”


“So how is it the Republicans are pushing for socialism? “

A weak analogy! You are ignoring the fact that Nazis were and are white supremacist. Nazis are not perceived as political figures, so their affiliation with a political philosophy is irrelevant. They are known for annihilation of Jews, gays, and anyone who did not meet their racist, misogynistic standards.

“Seem fake news to me”

Appreatly, like Trump, you call anything you do not comprehend fake news.

Definition of socialism
: any of various economic and political theories advocating collective or governmental ownership and administration of the means of production and distribution of goods
a : a system of society or group living in which there is no private property
b : a system or condition of society in which the means of production are owned and controlled by the state
: a stage of society in Marxist theory transitional between capitalism and communism and distinguished by unequal distribution of goods and pay according to work done
the post office was written into the constitution by the founders

it was a socialistic solution


The Post Office and Socialism
by Castle, Henry A.

Publication date 1915-07-01
Publisher The North American Review
Collection jstor_nortamerrev; jstor_ejc; additional_collections; journals
Contributor JSTOR
Language English
Volume 202

"The Post Office and Socialism" is an article from The North American Review, Volume 202.
Big Left Turn: Are socialists becoming the new Democratic Party mainstream? After candidates endorsed by the socialist party won nomination battles for state legislative seats in Pennsylvania and far-left progressives triumphed over moderates elsewhere, the answer seems to be yes.

Four — count 'em, four — candidates backed by the Democratic Socialists of America won spots on the ballot during this week's primary elections in the Keystone State. Two of them won't even be opposed by a Republican in the general election.

Some are writing it off as a fluke, a local aberration, but it isn't. Increasingly, the national Democratic Party is being California-ized — pushed to the far left on issues ranging from single-payer health care, an open border and tax hikes to hostility toward Israel, opposition to the Second Amendment, and a loathing of the U.S. military.

I think people are still trying to use scare tactics, claiming Socialists want to recreate Stalins Russia, when i fact the model most mentioned is the nordics social democratic one which is wildly successful .

Amazing how nearly every time a conservative employs the word socialist they imply as if it was an evil conspiracy and threat to the American way of life.

Spoiler for you, socialism has been part of the America dating back to the 19th Century, the US has, and has had for some time now, a mixed economy, blend of socialist and capitalist traits, as do the majority if not all the Nations in the world
As I suspected. You don’t even understand socialism.

Dismissed until you educate yourself

Actually fool, you are again spouting off with your ignorance and wanting others as stupid as you to accept it. You have been shown before where socialism is not the same as communism, or even fascism. Yet you persist in showing your low IQ on a constant basis. It was the Founding Fathers that used government money to build housing for the poor. It was the Founding Fathers that used government money for the building hospitals for the care of the poor. It was the Founding Fathers that established the funding for the VA. It was the Founding fathers that used government money for the funding of missionaries, and the building of schools. And the list goes on.

Your ignorance is only surpassed by your pride in being ignorant, and stupid.

Here is more your ignorant ass will hate. The Founding Fathers hated corporations, and income inequality. You dould educate yourself if you had the ability to do so, however, that again is an impossible task for the stupid:
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I'm new here and have a question. The Democrats are becoming avowed Socialists. The Nazi's were avowed Socialists. Republicans are mostly Capitalists and reject Socialism. So how is it the Republicans are pushing for Socialism? Seems fake to me.[

You do not know your isms. Nazism is most closely related to Trumpism, the marriage of government and corporations. That is what the repubs have been pushing for generations It is what they are pushing now. just look at the Kochs and other giant corporations and their backing of Republicans. Note what is missing in that ,the people. they are annoyances.