If you're trying to make a point, make it. I have no interest in playing mind games with fools.
By fools you mean your fellow colleague, don't you????????????????????????
If you're trying to make a point, make it. I have no interest in playing mind games with fools.
It is amazing to see a moron like Bucketbog holding forth about how people 'hate ' a country he is eager to turn into a racist dictatorship.
If it changes every minute, there's no need to transform it. Mind your own business, stupid foreigner.
Giving illegals amnesty over those who are going through the legal channels. for one.
By fools you mean your fellow colleague, don't you????????????????????????
If you're trying to make a point, make it. I have no interest in playing mind games with fools.
The Articles of Confederation were a weak national authority.
The Constitutional Convention was convened to establish a strong national government.
That does not mean they wanted an autocratic and capricious government.
As men of the Enlightenment, the framers of the constitution were undoutedly aware of Thomas Hobbes, and the thin line between anarchy and central authority.
They wanted their rights as former Englishmen codified, but they wanted a national government strong enough to tax, to regulate, to administer justice, and to use miltary force to resist invasions and to supress internal rebellions and insurrections.
Which means they devised a government strong enough and resilient enough to resist self-styled "second amendment solutions" three-percenter morons.
Wasn't that video a scene from "Suits"?
Don't be rude
It is, I guess he’s not a fan.Wasn't that video a scene from "Suits"?
Don't be rude
It is, I guess he’s not a fan.
Trump and the GOP are trying circumvent the elections and appoint Trump to be dictator; is that consistent with the US Constitution??????????????
It is amazing to see a moron like Bucketbog holding forth about how people 'hate ' a country he is eager to turn into a racist dictatorship.
I Googled Demon Crapper- And this is all I got..................
'They' rioted? Who? Who rioted, Bobby?
democrats rioted , looted killed burned destroyed maybe you noticed it on the news and by the billions of dollars of damage
no hes exercising his legal rights under the constitution , for a what he believes is a attempt by democrats to fix the election
It would be nice if there was a vaccine for moronism.
no hes exercising his legal rights under the constitution , for a what he believes is a attempt by democrats to fix the election