Dems are terrorist lovers

I gave constructive critism on the old borads and such before he invaded, And he was strong then, I was just called trairor, unamerican and such and ridiculed and such. Now it is the same you guys expect me to help clean up YOUR mess NO WAY!
we invaded lots of countries. But none of them were democracies.

We don't have to invade other democracies.

We just support rightwing military coups, to remove the democratically elected leaders we don't like:

I gave constructive critism on the old borads and such before he invaded, And he was strong then, I was just called trairor, unamerican and such and ridiculed and such. Now it is the same you guys expect me to help clean up YOUR mess NO WAY!

well I have never been on those boards so I missed it.

You don't have to help clean up anything. You have no power to do so any more than I have. Unless Bush gets on here and reads all our comments before starting his morning briefings.
Gaffer, back before Bush invaded Iraq any talk against bush was run down very hard, it was almost like being a child molester in sunday school.
It was the same at the corner grocery store hangout. Those guys won't even talk politics now though :)
Gaffer, back before Bush invaded Iraq any talk against bush was run down very hard, it was almost like being a child molester in sunday school.
It was the same at the corner grocery store hangout. Those guys won't even talk politics now though :)

everyone was still supporting the war effort and the dems couldn't grab on to anything to try to bring Bush down. iraq became the issue as their attempt to gain power and the Bush haters came out in force.

Its fine to dislike Bush, I just don't feel it should be aired internationally when we are in a war.

I have to leave for work so wil check back with this thread tomorrow.
Darn, you name it on nicaragua , a dozen times or so. I think we have concrete ramps on the beaches for our landing craft :)
I seriously doubt Al-Qaida thinks we have a moral highground for anything. Maineman forgets this is a desperate terrorist org, not some country with stakes to lose.

Also, we sometimes catch very high level people of Al-Qaida with extremely critical info that can save lives. Whereas ALL Al-Qaida's hostages have been either regular civilians or regular servicemen without any real important intel, so there is little to no reason for Al-Qaida to torture them.

I don't sanction torture, but I think things like waterboarding aren't so bad, it leaves no lasting physical scars, and for those who say it leaves emotional scars, boohoo so does prison.
so....dano is saying that will feel absolutely no outrage when he hears of American POW's being waterboarded or exposed to extreme hypothermia or excessive sleep deprivation in any and all conflicts that may arise in the future?

Now that is what I call "supporting the troops"!

But hey..... you KNOW that dano has one of those yellow bumper magnets made in China....that's how HE supports the boys.
Darn, you name it on nicaragua , a dozen times or so. I think we have concrete ramps on the beaches for our landing craft :)

If your referring to special ops or counter ingerency groups, who knows how many times that goes on. But we have never outright invaded either of those countries. I question the status of most of the central American and many south American countries as true democracies.

Two rules of thumb.

If it has republic of.... or democratic republic of... its not.

any army that marches in goose step is or is going to be an enemy.
so....dano is saying that will feel absolutely no outrage when he hears of American POW's being waterboarded or exposed to extreme hypothermia or excessive sleep deprivation in any and all conflicts that may arise in the future?

Now that is what I call "supporting the troops"!

But hey..... you KNOW that dano has one of those yellow bumper magnets made in China....that's how HE supports the boys.
Nah I try and support them by not saying their job in Iraq is absolutely useless. I also support funding them the best protection especially against roadside bombs.
Nah I try and support them by not saying their job in Iraq is absolutely useless. I also support funding them the best protection especially against roadside bombs.

Dano I ignore mainefuck but I saw what he said in your post. And those "tortures" are not near what our guys have and will go through. We don't go to war with people that do things civilized. That's why the geneva convention is a joke. All it does is outline the war crimes we will prosecute and execute the leaders for after we take their country. It doesn't protect anyone.
Nope not anymore than our laws for murder ansd such do. Just a deterrent for some Gaffer. but it does as you say allow for prosecution later, just like our laws do.
Nah I try and support them by not saying their job in Iraq is absolutely useless. I also support funding them the best protection especially against roadside bombs.

seeing as you have never actually served in uniform yourself, it is understandable for you to think that guys who do wear the uniform as as ignorant as you are and - like you - are incapable of discerning the difference between having issues with the missions given the military by the civilian military command structure and supporting the troops who perform those missions. Let me tell you that you are quite wrong in that regard.

I spent a quarter of a century wearing navy blues protecting YOUR cowardly ass and I know full well that the suits in DC and the population at large often debate the validity of missions that the US military is sent to perform. I also know that such debate is not, in any way, indicative of a lack of support or best wishes for those who are sent to perform those missions.

Debating the wisdom of the Iraq war is what our troops EXPECT us to do.

And I know that I do more in any given week to practically provide support for the troops in Iraq than you have done since the day they got there.

My guess is, by the way, that we could have procured plent of humvee armor plating with the unnecessary tax cuts we gave to millionaires who didn't need it. don't you agree?
seeing as you have never actually served in uniform yourself, it is understandable for you to think that guys who do wear the uniform as as ignorant as you are and - like you - are incapable of discerning the difference between having issues with the missions given the military by the civilian military command structure and supporting the troops who perform those missions. Let me tell you that you are quite wrong in that regard.
Calling the war pointless is not "having issues", it is saying the job they are doing is pointless.

I spent a quarter of a century wearing navy blues protecting YOUR cowardly ass
Oh fuck off, you rode out the Vietnam war on a boat and despite all your pompous bragging, you protected no one. I know guys who saw more action in Iraq or Nam in 1 month than you saw in a quarter century. And you know it.

and I know full well that the suits in DC and the population at large often debate the validity of missions that the US military is sent to perform. I also know that such debate is not, in any way, indicative of a lack of support or best wishes for those who are sent to perform those missions.
Well if you tell someone that their job is pointless (ie: a pointless war), how do you think that affects SOME of their morale over there in doing it?

Debating the wisdom of the Iraq war is what our troops EXPECT us to do.
And I know that I do more in any given week to practically provide support for the troops in Iraq than you have done since the day they got there.
Bullshit, all you do is use your corporate/capitalistic paid hours to come on here and rant against corporations/capitalism during work hours. You provide jack shit to troops.
I certainly don't think their job is worthless and that the Iraq occupation is useless. I think overall it would be better to leave, but I don't see things like you and the rest of the left where anything related to Bush = 100% bad.

My guess is, by the way, that we could have procured plent of humvee armor plating with the unnecessary tax cuts we gave to millionaires who didn't need it. don't you agree?
No I don't. Tax cuts spurn investment, growth and future tax revenues. What really competes for spending dollars is Liberal Democrats trying to fund giant social welfare programs that dwarf any tax cuts like universal healthcare.
And that continually suck more and more cash.