Dems Blind to Illegal Immigration, Blacks, and Middle Class

Thats why they want all the illegals in. They are literally looking for a new pool of voters.
No, it's the business owners, the supposed core of the conservative right, who want all the illegals in, for the cheap labor.

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Another leftwing ignorant baby-killing snotty dopehead bitch shooting off his ignorant mouth.

You have done nothing but lie through your teeth in every response to me. Losers like you are pathetic.
You have no acquaintance with the truth, as you continue to demonstrate. It makes more and more sense that you're a sock for Legion.

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Thats why its called Voter Fraud.
You truly are an idiot.
Yet Trump put together a Commission to support his allegations about millions of illegals voting for Hillary, to explain how he lost the popular vote. The commission found nothing to support those allegations. But reality means nothing to Trump cultists.

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The OP stands un-refuted:

Dems Blind to Illegal Immigration, Blacks, and Middle Class


Listening to last week’s presidential debates, one would think that Democrats only care about protecting illegal immigrants; that is, giving them free health care and other benefits as well as decriminalizing illegal entry across our borders. All other Americans — black, white, brown, veterans, seniors, the middle class, permanent residents, and naturalized citizens — are not a priority on the agenda of most of the 2020 presidential hopefuls.

They just have to pay for the billions of dollars in "freebie" benefits Democrats want to give to illegal immigrants. And let’s not forget that, while these candidates and their supporters express empathy for illegal immigrants, they — including gay candidate Mayor Pete Buttigieg (of South Bend, Indiana) , are silent about the vicious left wing antifa attack on a conservative gay Asian journalist — Andy Ngo — in Portland, Oregon. Hypocrites all.......

.......President Trump said it well in his January Oval Office speech on immigration, " . . . all Americans are hurt by uncontrolled illegal migration. It strains public resources and drives down jobs and wages. Among those hardest are African-Americans and Hispanic Americans."

What's truly sad is the silence of most black civil rights and political leaders on the negative impact of illegal immigration on their own communities. That includes the two black Democratic presidential candidates, Sens. Cory Booker, D-N.J., and Kamila Harris, D-Calif. Both advocate the socialist-democratic line of open borders and free healthcare for illegals without regard to the needs of black lower and middle-income Americans.

By trying to get "race-card" brownie points and feigning sensitivity to racial issues by attacking Joe Biden, they are demonstrating that they don’t care about and have no awareness of the negative impact of their policies on all Americans.......
So is bearing arms you stupid ass moron. But we have to make sure the right people are using that right - no children and no non-citizens.

Fucking imbecile.

Uh huh.
Half of our problem with guns is that we raise our children completely ignorant about them.

You are sounding more and more like Legion.
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