Dems: Iraq report shows need for new direction


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Part of a classified intelligence report that says the war in Iraq has increased the terrorist threat against the United States has fueled calls by congressional Democrats for a new direction in the nation's war on terrorism.

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Hey, who needed this report to tell us this...?

Not me...the evidence of this is BLATENTLY evident.
And apparently the report leaked out in truthfull form before Bush had time to massage the data to a more politically friendly form for him ;)
And apparently the report leaked out in truthfull form before Bush had time to massage the data to a more politically friendly form for him ;)

Since they have had this repoirt since April this statement is another damning indictment of this administration's incompetence and ignorance.
It was a classified report and has only part has been leaked.

>>U.S. intelligence chief John Negroponte said news reports on the NIE characterize "only a small handful" of the conclusions from a broad strategic assessment of global terrorism.

"The conclusions of the intelligence community are designed to be comprehensive and viewing them through the narrow prism of a fraction of judgments distorts the broad framework they create," Negroponte said in a statement.

Negroponte said the analysis found that if the U.S. effort to establish a stable government in Iraq succeeded, jihadists would be weakened and "fewer jihadists will leave Iraq determined to carry on the fight elsewhere."
It was a classified report and has only part has been leaked.

>>U.S. intelligence chief John Negroponte said news reports on the NIE characterize "only a small handful" of the conclusions from a broad strategic assessment of global terrorism.

"The conclusions of the intelligence community are designed to be comprehensive and viewing them through the narrow prism of a fraction of judgments distorts the broad framework they create," Negroponte said in a statement.

Negroponte said the analysis found that if the U.S. effort to establish a stable government in Iraq succeeded, jihadists would be weakened and "fewer jihadists will leave Iraq determined to carry on the fight elsewhere."
so Negroponte implied by what he said that current Iraq is a breeding ground for Jihadists ;)
The report says that Iraq conflict has increased terrorism. I am sure the stats may support that terrorism has increased but to assume it is because of Iraq is a big jump of conclusions. It is not like it wasn't increasing before Iraq, and well the vile death cult of Islam will use any excuse to kill and terrorize. Be it Iraq or Palis or Cartoons or what the Pope is misquoted as saying. They will alway find a reason to kill. So it is pretty lame to blame it on Iraq. You could just as statistically blame it on the rise in reality tv
Damo, imho Iraq has worked into a classic catch 22 situation.
Just damned anyway we go at this point. Now if we never had invaded....
He also implied that leaving early would endanger us.

That's excellent evidence that this hearing wasn't some partisan hit job.

It was held with Generals who have a strong opinion about iraq.

Oversight hearing of this nature is what congress should be doing. Wonder why the GOP won't hold oversight hearings, to hear alternative viewpoints from top commanders?
Politics vs good responsible govt Cypress.

I don't mind if the generals say what's on their mind. If they think more troops are needed, fine. Who said this was supposed to be a partisan puppet show, with generals agreeing with everything the Dems say?

this is supposed to be open and transparent oversight by congress. that's what they get paid to do.

Frankly, I respect somebody more, if they say we need way more troops. Its an honest opinion. And a new strategy. We could always have a draft for republicans-only , to send over there.

Anyone still supporting the Bush strategy of "stay the course, doesn't have any credibility.
That was a portion of the "leaked" report, not a portion of these "hearings"...

However, I was interested that none said that we should leave immediately.

This "different direction" is more what I have long said, we need to get enough troops in there to provide actual security instead of messing around with this particular "magic" number.
That was a portion of the "leaked" report, not a portion of these "hearings"...

However, I was interested that none said that we should leave immediately.

This "different direction" is more what I have long said, we need to get enough troops in there to provide actual security instead of messing around with this particular "magic" number.

I totally can respect a general who says we need more troops. Its a new strategy, and a step away from the Bush failure. That's fine.

Remember, it was Democrats who admired General Shakvili who told bush initially we needed 300,000 troops. And the neocons laughed at him.

Now, there are generals like Anthony Zinni who say we need to redeploy.

I can respect, and give credence to both Zinni and Batiste.
The truth is what we need to hear Cypress, but the whole truth. I agree.

Yep. No more lies.

Batiste is obviously telling the truth as he sees it: more troops are needed. I can respect that. He's being honest.

I'm just sick of the lies of bush. His strategy has failed, and he won't admit it.