Dems: Iraq report shows need for new direction

That was a portion of the "leaked" report, not a portion of these "hearings"...

However, I was interested that none said that we should leave immediately.

This "different direction" is more what I have long said, we need to get enough troops in there to provide actual security instead of messing around with this particular "magic" number.
We don't really have any more troops to send. Not if they're going to be stationed there for any great length of time.
This gets more like Nam all the time. do we (Bush) really want to win in Iraq ?

I think he wants to leave his mess for the next President.

Obviously, he won't send significantly more troops, which would either require a draft, or significanly degrade our already exhausted volunteer force.

And he's invested in his "stay the course" spin. He can't redeploy this year or next.

He's trapped by his own rhetoric, and unwilling to make drastic changes.
Nope, they just extend a bunch of tours , for the umpteenth time.
We have exposed the limit of our military strength to the world. Not a good thing for the bad guys to know how big your stick is.