Dems represent at Palin event

haha, you're not pumped full of lies and, you only help spread them for your communist party..

and I explained why Gore and Palins protesting was different...

No you didnt you just spewed some fucking crazy assed consperiacy thoery with no proof its real.

There is NO differance in light of the freedom of speach idea by the way.
you are the lady of the Messiah who constantly hijacks threads with "stuff" that has absolutely nothing to do with the thread posted..what is up with that??

It has to do with the fact that when people have protested your party's representatives, your party's jackbooted thugs had them removed and/or arrested. I guess you've forgotten bush's free-speech zones, situated well away from the hallowed one's innocent eyes.

Your very first sentence criticizes lefties for protesting the book signing. So what? They aren't entitled to free speech and peaceful assembly because they're liberals? At least this sheriff was smart enough to remind both sides of their rights and then leave well enough alone, unlike the storm troopers at the santorum affair.
And how do you feel that Gore called his goon security and forcefully removed a private citizen for just "asking a QUESTION"?

Gore should not only be protested, he should be IN JAIL..

Gee, that sounds EXACTLY like the santorum situation, which you stated was "off topic".
haha, you're not pumped full of lies and, you only help spread them for your communist party..

and I explained why Gore and Palins protesting was different...

and of course you never commented on how the GORE called his goons on a person who was only asking a question..but I didn't expect you would..

LOL, you're the gift that keeps on giving. It's exactly what happened at the santorum book-signing, which you've chosen to ignore.

"A state trooper in full uniform, including hat and gun, was in the store, and, according to Shaffer and Galperin, he met with the person who didn’t care for the Dan Savage joke, along with a few others, including one of Santorum’s people.

Galperin says she heard the trooper ask, “Do you want me to get rid of them?”

And then the trooper, Delaware State Police Sgt. Mark DiJiacomo, who was on detail as a private security guard, came over to the group of women...."
haha, you're not pumped full of lies and, you only help spread them for your communist party..

and I explained why Gore and Palins protesting was different...

and of course you never commented on how the GORE called his goons on a person who was only asking a question..but I didn't expect you would..

Al Gore is a private citizen just like Palin, yet you want a different set of rules to apply to Gore.

Typical two-faced meme garbage.
But the rules don't apply to mini-meme. She's allowed to go "off topic" whenever she deems necessary.

and you of course "always" make a comment on the articles posted, no your gig here is to attack others, especially WOMEN..

did a girl beat you up when you were a wittle boy?
actually meme does good for someone who only got to the tenth grade. She's the pride of the trailer park.