Deoderant on my balls


Sexy Beast!
So, I'm in the car with my groomsmen toda and we just started randoml talking about our nuts smelling really bad because the one is like a women and takes 2 hours to get ready. We were worried he was going to be late to the rehearsal because he had to go shit, shower and shave, and we know that means he's gonna go play with his hair. But really, the discussion got to talking about stink nuts. So I told them I put deoderant on my balls. They about died laughing but I was serious. Does anyone else do that?

Anways, it was funny when they thought I used the same stick for my armpits. I use Adidas Active Sport for the boys, and Axe for the arms. I have to keep different types so I know not to do that.
Ohh no feels nice....When properly done of course.
I am figuring no braces will be involved to snag ball hairs ?
Wear boxers and don't get fat, I don't see why you'd have an issue.
I never thought of even doing that.

I do have a deodorant story though. Was buying some at Walmart and some punk teenager picks up some and starts using it right in the store. And I'm like "Are you buying that?" and he laughs stupidly and goes "Naw, I do this all the time." And then puts it back. I had my kids with me so I wasn't going to press it further in case a fight started because the fucking kid was lippy and really pissed me off. So I told a Walmart worker and she actually stopped him and hopefully busted his lazy ass.
What a loser, it's not like its expensive.
Wear boxers and don't get fat, I don't see why you'd have an issue.
I never thought of even doing that.

I do have a deodorant story though. Was buying some at Walmart and some punk teenager picks up some and starts using it right in the store. And I'm like "Are you buying that?" and he laughs stupidly and goes "Naw, I do this all the time." And then puts it back. I had my kids with me so I wasn't going to press it further in case a fight started because the fucking kid was lippy and really pissed me off. So I told a Walmart worker and she actually stopped him and hopefully busted his lazy ass.
What a loser, it's not like its expensive.

Dano is a faithful servant of the man.*

*comment scientifically derived to make Dano angry
Wear boxers and don't get fat, I don't see why you'd have an issue.
I never thought of even doing that.

I do have a deodorant story though. Was buying some at Walmart and some punk teenager picks up some and starts using it right in the store. And I'm like "Are you buying that?" and he laughs stupidly and goes "Naw, I do this all the time." And then puts it back. I had my kids with me so I wasn't going to press it further in case a fight started because the fucking kid was lippy and really pissed me off. So I told a Walmart worker and she actually stopped him and hopefully busted his lazy ass.
What a loser, it's not like its expensive.

yeah those young Republicans.