Deoderant on my balls

young republicans only sweat at the spa.
do you think they would sweat to do something productive ? They have democrats to do that.
young republicans only sweat at the spa.
Spas are full of middle class women, I doubt you'd find any young males there.

do you think they would sweat to do something productive ? They have democrats to do that.
Yep, when I was young and looking to do something productive, I hired me a Democrat to go out and protest Capitalism and demonstrate hate against me.
Of course I drove my rich Repub sports car to Walmart to steal me some swipes of deodorant first. Man those were the days.

Why don't you just admit you have nothing to go on but lame outdated stereotypes that are marginally approaching funny...and even then only when I act them out for you.
Spas are full of middle class women, I doubt you'd find any young males there.


Did you mean middle aged women ?

Or are you saying that young republican males would not stoop to dealing with middle class women ?

If you meant middle aged women, that is perfect for young republicans since trheir primary desire is to marry their mommy.
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Spas are full of middle class women, I doubt you'd find any young males there.


Did you mean middle aged women ?
HAHA yeah I did, but I suppose it usually ends up being both doesn't it?

If you meant middle aged women, that is perfect for young republicans since trheir primary desire is to marry their mommy.
I thought the middle aged Republican women didn't have money and were just slaves to their macho husbands? At least that is the Darla theory. Maybe you 2 can conference and see which outdated stereotype you like and run with that to avoid the conflict.
So, I'm in the car with my groomsmen toda and we just started randoml talking about our nuts smelling really bad because the one is like a women and takes 2 hours to get ready. We were worried he was going to be late to the rehearsal because he had to go shit, shower and shave, and we know that means he's gonna go play with his hair. But really, the discussion got to talking about stink nuts. So I told them I put deoderant on my balls. They about died laughing but I was serious. Does anyone else do that?

Anways, it was funny when they thought I used the same stick for my armpits. I use Adidas Active Sport for the boys, and Axe for the arms. I have to keep different types so I know not to do that.


OMG. I don't know what's worse.....the fact that you have smelly stinky balls or the fact that I was thinking that they must taste bad.....:p
No boxers for me. To quote Kramer "My boys need a house".

Powder is good, and Gold Bond is even better. Not sexy but very comfy.

Never thought my balls stunk though.
Silence whelp or I go super King Raw on your ass.

Gonna go super king raw???

WTF? Does that mean you are going to be a super whining bitch? Gonna go super threatening little girls? Gonna go super badass and hide behind the anonymity of the web?

Raw is about as big a badass as Fred Rogers from Mr Roger's Neighborhood.
Gonna go super king raw???

WTF? Does that mean you are going to be a super whining bitch? Gonna go super threatening little girls? Gonna go super badass and hide behind the anonymity of the web?

Raw is about as big a badass as Fred Rogers from Mr Roger's Neighborhood.
It means he's gonna post a bunch of angry faced smilies.
Oh ok. Wow, WM should be very nervous.

Thanks for clearing that up for me, Damo.

Well of course KingRaw always uses that stupid angry smiley, it was just a joke, relax. Didn't think anyone would actually take that seriously.

I actually thought that guy was just some lame fake troll until very recently when he made his comments about you.