Depressing Music

One of the most powerful songs... Man this song is awesome. There were times I'd play it in a loop... This whole album is awesome, one of the most overlooked by Pink Floyd, IMO.

The "I Fucking Hate You" song wasn't depressing, but when I'm depressed I love that song...

The Pink Floyd song I gave you should be listened to...

Evanescence is depressing anyway....

Mad World is a good one.. The one by Gary Jules...

Metallica - One is a good one...

I've Gotta Get a Message To You - Bee Gees...

While you wouldn't expect it, this one is deep. A condemned man sends a message out... "One more hour and my life will be through."

My Mom - Chocolate Genius...

Springsteen's former back man. He's singing about his mom whom he is losing to senility.

Years Ago/Steven - Alice Cooper...

This is two songs, one shouldn't go without the other though... The songs speak for themselves.
