The super hypocrite surfaces again.....imagine if a Republican said he voted or didn't vote for something because a committee told him to...or maybe his aides told him how to vote or his wife....its all the same thing...
only a lazy idiot votes the way someone tells him how to vote...or a democrat...
and only a fellow Dem is hypocrite enough to defend it....
I would have absolutely ZERO problem with ANY senator from either party who said that he made up his mind about a judicial appointee based upon briefings from senators from his party who serve on the judiciary committee. I KNOW that is how it works and has always worked. For anyone to suggest otherwise is absolutely silly. Expecting senators with NO training in the law to read nearly 200 decisions written by Sotomayor is idiotic. They have important work in their OWN committees to deal with.
bravo never took civics, I guess.
too bad.