Dershowitz says he could 'enthusiastically' vote for Biden over Trump

Former Harvard law professor Alan Dershowitz said he would vote for former Vice President Joe Biden over President Trump in a hypothetical 2020 match-up.

“I’m a strong supporter of Joe Biden. I like Joe Biden. I’ve liked him for a long time, and I could enthusiastically support Joe Biden,” Dershowitz said during a radio interview with Dan Abrams on his Sirius XM radio show.

“Over Donald Trump?” Abrams asked.

“Over Donald Trump, yeah,” Dershowitz replied.​

Dershowitz, a contributor to The Hill, has shared in previous interviews that he supported Democratic nominee Hillary Clinton in 2016.

He said Thursday that while he would support Biden, he could not see himself backing Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.), who has consistently polled in second place behind front-runner Biden.

“If Bernie Sanders is nominated, that would present a real dilemma for me,” Dershowitz said. “I don’t think under any circumstances I could vote for a man who went to England and campaigned for a bigot and anti-Semite like Jeremy Corbyn. I don’t think I could do it. I couldn’t pull that lever.”

Dershowitz has consistently argued since 2017 that a special counsel should not have been appointed to investigate alleged collusion between the Trump campaign and Russia.

In recent weeks, he has defended the president against Democratic calls for impeachment, saying this week on Fox News that allegations against Trump do not meet criteria for impeachment.

He insisted that he would have argued the same if Clinton were president.

"I stand up for civil liberties no matter who the president is," Dershowitz told Fox News host Sean Hannity.

"If Hillary Clinton had been elected president and they were trying to impeach her, I would've written a book called 'The Case Against Impeaching Hillary Clinton,’ ” he said.

“Congress can't impeach President Trump. The Constitution provides criteria for impeachment; treason, bribery, high crimes and misdemeanors."
Dershowitz is still a pervert. He needs to go away and take Uncle Ghouliani with him.
Can't read either, can you? The article covers Dersh's wrong view of high crimes and misdemeanors
It talks about his belief that the Nixon impeachment was wrong.
He says if Trump does not agree with the impeachment, he can just ignore it. I bet you don't know Trump has discussed that. He got that from Dersh.
Try reading it again.

Still digging your own hole. Still no facts. Just googled the first thing you found and, as stated, are wrong. Seriously, find someone of your obvious lower intelligence to talk with. Plenty on here.
silly demmycunt......national polls are meaningless.....they count the second 6.5 million Californians as if their votes weren't meaningless.......don't waste your time looking at anything besides state-by-state polls.......

They included state by state, That is what pissed off Daffy. He is way behind in Florida, Pennsylvania, Michigan and other rust belt states. You really do post without a scrap of knowledge, don't you?
And the Constitution doesn't define "high crimes and misdemeanors". Trump appears to have committed plenty of those, even if you only look at emoluments violations.

Trump hasn't been accused or charged with any crimes snowflake. The "emoluments" argument is the dumbest and the weakest argument you idiots on the left have come up with.
Only Congress, not Dersh, decides what is considered appropriate for impeachment.

WRONG; only the FACTS will determine that. Most of what the idiots in the Party of the Jackass are doing is pointless partisan showboating. ZERO substance, ZERO facts and a lot of AssClown.
Dersh hs been a bigly backer of the Imperial presidency and has backed Trump as he blew through the lines that guided other presidents. Now Teflon Dumb turns on him in a fundamental way. How many threads were started by rightys using him as a legal authority? Now he is s lefty. He failed the purity test and used Trump's name in vain.

LIE and LAME. Do you ever get tired of looking like an idiot?
tRump didn't get the majority vote in 2016 and far from it but it was the efforts of uncivilized foreign and domestic barbaric elements that lawlessly hacked, rigged and manipulated the election and electoral college in tRump's favor, and to which tRump indicated that he would accept foreign intervention again to lawlessly hack him in there as in more treason galore tRump style. To consider tRump a legitimate so-called president is like comparing antigovernment conspiring GOPer cronies of his as true patriots, which is not the case at being no friends of America or the common well being of society as demonstrated. Its going to take more than the majority voters to get a fair and Constitutionally compliant election in 2020 as opposed to the lawless power grabbing atrocity that occurred in 2016. Its obviously going to take massive efforts to destroy any attempt to lawlessly hack, rig and manipulate the election in 2020 and despite tRump's antigovernment conspiring GOPer cronies' attempts to block efforts to undermine the national election again.

:lolup:Another low IQ liberal idiot who thinks we elect Presidents based on the popular vote. :laugh:
I wonder how many members of the current congress are Jewish & members of the GOP?? Any idea??
How many are there in the other party?? Asking for a friend.:)

The only thing that matters is how many Republicans control the Senate and the White House.....and how many SCOTUS they place on the Supreme Court. ;)
Except he is wrong according to the mass of law professors. He is outside the mainstream in his love of the imperial presidency.

There was never a "mass" of law professors that think Trump has committed impeachable offenses you lying hack. Imperial Presidency? Further proof of what a know-nothing moron you really are.
Perhaps, unlike you, he is noticing what a hot mess Trump is.

Trump isn't a hot mess; that's a moronic leftist meme lacking in facts and reality. The hot mess is in the House where the Democratic Party of the Jackass are turning it into a clown show.
They included state by state, That is what pissed off Daffy. He is way behind in Florida, Pennsylvania, Michigan and other rust belt states. You really do post without a scrap of knowledge, don't you?
you are looking at polls eighteen months before the election and criticize my knowledge?.......sad, child......
you are looking at polls eighteen months before the election and criticize my knowledge?.......sad, child......

Yes, we are discussing polls way too early. But that is what the thread demands. You can figure that out can't you? The knowledge necessary to discuss this is the present polling. So yes, i do.
They included state by state, That is what pissed off Daffy. He is way behind in Florida, Pennsylvania, Michigan and other rust belt states. You really do post without a scrap of knowledge, don't you?
Actual knowledge is anathema to PiMP.

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