he was too late to the space
Microsoft was 12 years earlier than Google, and yet Google dominates (along with Apple) and Microsoft is an after thought. The problem was they did a terrible job, and charged a lot of money.
he was too late to the space
don't forget, dershowitz is part of the epstein crew. he's compromised. he will say what he's told to say.
Sick and tired of these “ Salami tongues” and their Jewish Fascism
They reach high levels of power and become little Jewish “Eichmanns “
We see it on the news and in the internet
Jeff Epstein
Adam Schiff
CNN etc
It is hard to find anyone in the trump administration that is not heavily linked to Epstein. Mnunchin latched onto Epstein's men's rights movement. trump himself gave two underage girls to Epstein as gifts. They are a disturbing lot.
Microsoft was 12 years earlier than Google, and yet Google dominates (along with Apple) and Microsoft is an after thought. The problem was they did a terrible job, and charged a lot of money.
That is why “ brainless “ Walt is on iggy
A true moronic imbecile
A lot of rage coming from the Alt Right, but not many answers.
I think he's going to have a big surprise for us pretty soon..........
I am proud of Trump and of Israel !!!
I am proud of Trump and of Israel !!!
I am proud of Trump and of Israel !!!
Israel has nothing to do with you goyim, nor does the goyims opinion matter on Israel
the only reason the right wing goyim love Israel is their delusional fantasies of their dead man god coming back and other cartoonish views
Meanwhile in Israel, abortion is legal and on demand, universal healthcare, gays have always been accepted in the military, just to name a few
Israel has nothing to do with you goyim, nor does the goyims opinion matter on Israel
I am proud of Trump and of Israel !!!