Bingo!Nothing says 'common man' more than appearing at your presidential announcement with a billionaire.
Bingo!Nothing says 'common man' more than appearing at your presidential announcement with a billionaire.
Even the right wing sources were down on it, Fox labeling it a disaster and Breitfart a “DeBacle,” of course they could be envious, seeing Twitter as the new voice, pulling viewers away from them. Funny, cause sooner or later they all will have to make a decision, jump on the Ronnie bandwagon or ride the Donnie horse home
Disney is the last thought on MAGA minds... You need to speak to the RINO Ron! crowd about Disney...trump's little-used "truth" social is another example of a failure. Also, notice that all magas are free speech absolutists until someone like Disney speaks out against them. The magas are killing the GOP.
... but he can't... because he doesn't.He has been losing gas for many weeks, he needs to demonstrate that he has some of what Trump has.
Trump, MAGA, and even Democrats are all going to have fun joining together in ridiculing DeSaster for the next year or so... It's going to be hilarious!We need to remember DeSantis for as long as possible.
Trump, MAGA, and even Democrats are all going to have fun joining together in ridiculing DeSaster for the next year or so... It's going to be hilarious!
Many a Republican don't give a shit about the legal witchhunts, and would GLADLY vote for Trump even if he WERE in prison.Trump, MAGA militia, and depending on circumstances, Democrats, but as Trump’s legal difficulties mount, many a Republican will start looking for exit ramps
Many a Republican don't give a shit about the legal witchhunts, and would GLADLY vote for Trump even if he WERE in prison.
There is no exit ramp. It is Trump or bust.
Trump, MAGA, and even Democrats are all going to have fun joining together in ridiculing DeSaster for the next year or so... It's going to be hilarious!
He's crushing his primary "competition" and he's the only R with any shot at winning the general (if one is even held).Many, yes, those that, as Trump himself said, would still vote for him even if he did shoot someone in broad daylight on 5th Ave, but more so not, he could squeeze out a primary victory, but not a general election, Americans do care that their President isn’t a proven crook
lololololololololololololololololololtrump will mock DeSantis. DeSantis will mock trump. Democrats will mock, but also be saddened by both. It is sad to watch what the party of trump(formerly the Republican Party) has become. It used to be a real party with real ideas.
We need to remember DeSantis for as long as possible.
... but he can't... because he doesn't.
All the money in the world can't buy authenticity.
Many a Republican don't give a shit about the legal witchhunts, and would GLADLY vote for Trump even if he WERE in prison.
There is no exit ramp. It is Trump or bust.
That says so much about you and why you cannot be taken seriously. Trump is as corrupt a human as we can imagine and you are 100 percent in back of him. He has the same maturity level as you. He is a petty little, amoral selfish person who should not be near the power of a president.
The way that I put it is this:desantis supporters are never trumper sleeper cells in the GOP.
Also, the launch on Twitter Spaces had more glitches than one of Elon's self-driving cars
The way that I put it is this:
Team Jeb! (2016) = Team Ron! (2024)
Team Ted! (2016) = Team Ron! (2024)
Two different types of (insufferable) "Republicans", joining forces in order to "defeat Trump/MAGA" and "maintain status quo".
Not gonna work. The MAGA voting base sees right through it.
Nobody will remember in a week from now
trump's little-used "truth" social is another example of a failure. Also, notice that all magas are free speech absolutists until someone like Disney speaks out against them. The magas are killing the GOP.