DeSantis giving whole gated communities the vaccine, while Blacks are dying

Yeah, it's called the 80/20 rule and it's Florida law. It allows the associations to set aside 20% of available units to those under 65(my community is 55+ restricted, and my wonderful neighbor is 48). Why don't you ask how many of the young uns' at Ocean Reef got jabbed? Now THAT might be a bit scandalous unless the young whipper snappers had at-risk medical conditions.

The jabs are not approved for children yet. There is not enough vaccines to give children any, so why bother testing it for children. In a few months, when there is enough for everyone, they will begin testing it on younger and younger children. Sooner or later, it might be approved for babies. But, right now, it is not recommended for minors.
I gave a link.

Let's breakdown some of the things my link said:

On January 22nd, a newsletter from Ocean Reef Club said:

It is 6 weeks later, and Blacks seniors are still on the waiting list, but that waiting list is no longer being bypassed, right?

Nope. Maybe you would like to show me some links that DeSantis has access to a time machine to get vaccines to Black seniors bypassed for rich whites.'s Yahoo......its not's the reality is, no black seniors were bypassed......sorry your dick is in a ringer over things that never happened, but hey, that was your choice......
There needs to be a whole lot of investigations. It must be made clear that if you steal in a time of emergency, we will prosecute the hell out of you.

if there were laws against being a mindless prick in a time of emergency Walt would be in jail......
Black seniors are still on the waiting list, when rich whites in gated communities were bumped up to the top, and got their vaccines weeks ago. Odd how that works.

black seniors are still on the waiting list, white seniors are still on the waiting list, hispanic seniors are still on the waiting list, asian seniors are still on the waiting list......meanwhile a bunch of seniors in Key Largo, who might be all of the races above, got shots.......rather normal how that works......
No, this is the point the Alt Right keeps getting wrong. If you want a shot, you sign up, and wait in line. The state decides who goes first, and who gets a shot later. DeSantis is tilting the playing field in favor of the rich who will support him, and away from the people who have the highest casualties.

Then you go on to complain that Blacks get too much help... When it is the rich this time around, and many other times that get too much government help.

No, this is the point the Alt Right keeps getting wrong. If you want a shot, you sign up, and wait in line.

I don't think there's a lot of daylight between "signing up and waiting in line" and "making an appointment". You're really splitting hairs here. But if it makes you feel better, when I called the VA for an initial disability eval after I retired, I got put on "a list" and didn't get an "appointment" for like 2 months! And I'm a white guy!

The state decides who goes first, and who gets a shot later.

Don't you think there should be a system of some sort? The group that is doing the most dying is 65 and older with co-morbidity problems, and they, along with some others(healthcare workers, teachers, police and fire, EMTs etc.)are in the first round. Screw your skin color and economic situation.

DeSantis is tilting the playing field in favor of the rich who will support him, and away from the people who have the highest casualties.

You have absolutely zero proof of that, and you should be ashamed of yourself for thinking that. Did you ever think maybe Ocean Reef just got on "the list" first?

Then you go on to complain that Blacks get too much help.

That is not what I said AT ALL. "Community organizers" swarm the poor black communities in election years, registering old and young blacks, their pets and their lunches to vote. Then on election day, they show up in vans to schlep these people to the polls and then pay them. Then they disappear until the next election. Get the "organizers" back in the "Community" and let them do some real good for a change. I'd be willing to bet not one of those old white people at Ocean Reef made their own appointments to get that shot. Some administrator probably just made a list and submitted it. It could just be that simple and efficient.

When it is the rich this time around, and many other times that get too much government help.

See? You came up with a great idea there! These poor black communities are NOT typically run by rich white republicans. They are run by democratically elected democrats. If you NEED help from the damn government, it should start on a municipal level. Get the mayor off his ass and tell him to make a damn list, I'll bet he's got the "Community organizers" on speed dial. As for me, I am not a rich white republican living at Ocean Reef. I am a lower middle class(thanks to COVID)white republican and I will make my own "appointment", or get on "the list" without anyone's help, especially the government's.
So you claim. The facts is that Black seniors are still waiting in line, while rich whites in a gated community got both their shots a month and a half ago.

as I said, the fact is that there are black seniors waiting in line........there are white seniors waiting in line........the fact that some white people and probably a proportionate number of black people got shots a month and a half ago is not are pulling facts out of your ass that were not even in the OP are doing that because you are a mindless lib'rul fact and everyone here knows there anything you would like to add?......