Destruction of the modern Republican party!

Foreign Policy is my gig.

OT - Do you know what a 60-70 year old, unopened bottle of guinness beer is worth?

I hate to say it but my knowledge of alcohol is really limited to hard liquor. I am not the person to ask about beer.
I hate to say it but my knowledge of alcohol is really limited to hard liquor. I am not the person to ask about beer.

What about a bottle of Johnny Walker Black from the 30's then, complete with tilter and fulcrum? Half full.
Ah, the "Bring It On" mentality. I used to think that way, but it is so defeatist that you only end up fucking yourself.

Its like the "starve the beast" mentality of the current republicans. Its a race to the bottom to prove a point, and the point ends up being that they're all idiots.

Now that I think about it, no matter how much you let theocrats run things, they will still think it's the greatest thing in the world.

Much better to let them see again how much better things are under sane government.
Now that I think about it, no matter how much you let theocrats run things, they will still think it's the greatest thing in the world.

Much better to let them see again how much better things are under sane government.

LOL That's exactly right. The theocrats will see wars and death as a good thing, a good sign. A sign that their Bible is working. Its just too bad that they adopted the work of fiction "The Bible" as their manifest instead of "Calvin and Hobbes: 1985-1995". There would have been less murder with the latter.

Huckabee's victory in Iowa just goes that much further to proven how infested the modern republican party is.

Indeed. A hijacked party. Reason will prevail too late for these fucknuts, and they deserve it.
So its the God hating Athiests of the Democratic Party vs. the Theocrats of the Republican Party. Excellent.
This is a bullshit statement. In Obama's book and during the campaign he has talked about what faith means to him. The problem with you Religious Righties is that unless someone covers themselves in sack cloth and ashes they aren't good enough for you. Gotta be all public about it and everything. Forgetting entirely that He said,
"But thou, when thou prayest, enter into thy closet, and when thou hast shut thy door, pray to thy Father which is in secret; and thy Father which seeth in secret shall reward thee openly"
Matthew 6:6
Not really.
you have no sense of the cool. Trust me it is. I don't believe but I can quote with the best of them. You should always be aware of the worlds religious beliefs even if you don't believe. Then at least you can call the believers on their hypocracy.
you have no sense of the cool. Trust me it is. I don't believe but I can quote with the best of them. You should always be aware of the worlds religious beliefs even if you don't believe. Then at least you can call the believers on their hypocracy.

To tell you the truth I don't feel good right now and I'm trying to bring everyone else down to make myself feel more important. Basically, I'm playing Grind. Except I don't have to do it all the time, cause I'm not THAT much of a useless human being.
To tell you the truth I don't feel good right now and I'm trying to bring everyone else down to make myself feel more important. Basically, I'm playing Grind. Except I don't have to do it all the time, cause I'm not THAT much of a useless human being.
Well cheer the eff up you sour puss. :)
LOL That's exactly right. The theocrats will see wars and death as a good thing, a good sign. A sign that their Bible is working. Its just too bad that they adopted the work of fiction "The Bible" as their manifest instead of "Calvin and Hobbes: 1985-1995". There would have been less murder with the latter.

Indeed. A hijacked party. Reason will prevail too late for these fucknuts, and they deserve it.

Cheer up. Huckabee won't be the nominee. The republican party is not going to nominate a bumbling, bible-waving fool, who doesn't know where Pakistan is, or what an NIE report, forget what I said. You're fucked.
I was just watching Buchanan and he was talking about Phylis Schlafly saying she does not like Huckleberry but that so many social conservatives don't know where to cast their votes. Any of you that are socially conservative, what do you think? Where DO you cast your vote? Who is socially conservative enough yet also fiscally conservative enough for you to vote for. The national review hates Huckelberry cause they don't like his populist tendancies and feel he is too liberal.

Yeah I'll bet she did say that Soc. I know a couple like her. Vicious, snarling bitches with no mercy nor morals who call themselves the Christian right. But I think that Huckabee's rise shows that those vicious, snarling bitches, are not representative of the Christian Right.

I thought it was going to be interesting to see what would happen when you put a religious conservative mixed with some economic populism up there, and it is interesting. You know, Christianity is a giving religion. Not all of its representatives do it justice.
But Hillary and John Edwards can win a general election? You live in Vegas how much money do you want to wager on that?

And Hucklebee isn't going to win the Republican Primary let alone the general election.

Listen Cawacko, please don't be a Topper-head and ignore all known facts. All polling has shown that Edwards is unbeatable in a General. The R's don't want to run against him, period. There is a reason you never hear Rove or his ilk mention Edwards name ok?

Hillary may very well be unelectable Cawacko. 50% of Americans say they will not vote for her under any circumstances. Can you tell me how you get around that? And as for Obama...well, all I can say is be white on Long Island and let me know then if you think he can win a general. He might be stronger than Hillary, but I don't know if it puts him over the top.
Um... of course Rudy was nowhere, he hardly campaigned in Iowa. He knows he cannot win there. NH will come down to McCain and Romney. Rudy won't make a big splash until Florida.

It's funny that's what I fear, but I heard Joe Scarborough last night, who knows a thing or three about Florida, saying he thinks that Huckabee can take Florida.
dhula, I have consistanly said I back the nominee. I still don't think it's Edwards, Obama has in in all corners.
dhula, I have consistanly said I back the nominee. I still don't think it's Edwards, Obama has in in all corners.

But what am I saying is that polling shows that Edwards is the one who beats all of the possible R candidates by the widest margin, in the general. No I don't think Edwards is going to get the nomination. I also think he might have made our most progressive president since FDR. And he could have won. So it saddens me to no end.
I'll trust you know far more than me who's more progressive out of Edwards and Obama. Since I'm prob left of Edwards on most things I'll be pulling for him. They both showed they are to be taken serious and may have cut Hillary off at the knees. They both have twice the charisma that she has and it was apparent change over experience won out. She is really in a pickle now.