Dexter season finale in 30 minutes

it was very good. i wish ladyt was around so i could talk to her about it. i think she watches but im not sure
εxoendo;568287 said:
it was very good. i wish ladyt was around so i could talk to her about it. i think she watches but im not sure
They murdered one of my favorite characters!!!!
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εxoendo;568615 said:
dude I know man I know. But I think this opens up the next season for a lot of possibilities.
Well yea. It like takes care of the big lead anchor the dark passenger had around his neck. But WTF Why Kill (Spoiler Deleted)? Why didn't they just kill off Quinn? He's a smarmy little prick anyways!
Well yea. It like takes care of the big lead anchor the dark passenger had around his neck. But WTF Why Kill (Spoiler Deleted)? Why didn't they just kill off Quinn? He's a smarmy little prick anyways!

as much as i liked
I think it's neccesary to move the show along. Dexter can only so many times have an episode follow the plot of "I have to kill this guy, and pick up a pizza!"

It's also a big punch in the gut to everyone that has watched for 4 years. Dexter progressing the way he was, everyone thinks there is hope for him, now, we can't be sure.
εxoendo;569231 said:
as much as i liked
I think it's neccesary to move the show along. Dexter can only so many times have an episode follow the plot of "I have to kill this guy, and pick up a pizza!"

It's also a big punch in the gut to everyone that has watched for 4 years. Dexter progressing the way he was, everyone thinks there is hope for him, now, we can't be sure.
and were gonna have to wait 10 freaken months to find out. ARRRRGGGGHHH!!!!!!!!!
He's so busted anyway. His sister has it figured out. Did you know that she's his real life wife? Her character is a problem. She's just not believable as a cop. I mean who in their right mind, other then the City of Cincinnati, would give a person that emotionally unstable a gun and a badge, let alone make them a homicide detective?