
Man. I can't find anyone that keeps up with it. Its pretty good. I like where they are taking it.
As far as I know it follows the series of books totally.

No. This season they are taking it in a completely different direction. I read the first book last year and deliberately didn't read the second one in anticipation that would be like the series but I read an article where the writer was talking about how the show is basically its own thing now.
The show is so weird because it makes you root for and sympathize with a serial killer.
A great line from last night's episode was, "I say give him a corner office at City Hall......."
Yes I watch this show religiously. I love it and have since day one. Missed last nights episode cause I was at the sox game but I'm watching it on demand tonight. helll yeah. Then I'm watching curb your enthusiasm and weeds. Great tv night. Im stoked.
You obviously haven't seen it if you are claiming that.

No, I just love how on all these shows someone does something absolutely terrible to someone that would land them 30 years in prison or something, and then they learn they did it to a bad person later on, so magically it was OK.
Like in pushing dasies, he kills someone to get his girlfriend back to life, but that guy just happened to be a greedy person who robbed people at their deathbeds so, you know, no worries.
New Weeds comes on tonite omfg i forgot hell yes!

Maybe they will end their recent streak of personal drama and get back to some hardcore grinding and shooting.
Yes I watch this show religiously. I love it and have since day one. Missed last nights episode cause I was at the sox game but I'm watching it on demand tonight. helll yeah. Then I'm watching curb your enthusiasm and weeds. Great tv night. Im stoked.

Looks like we have very similar tastes in TV shows. (except the sports).

I watch it religiously too. When you're done watching it we'll talk. I don't want to ruin it.