Bills take longer to pass now because there are far more laws that the writers have to ensure they comply with.
This is why they lump them together in major bills.
Doing each individually simply wouldn't work.
BS they ignore the law
Bills take longer to pass now because there are far more laws that the writers have to ensure they comply with.
This is why they lump them together in major bills.
Doing each individually simply wouldn't work.
BS they ignore the law
Any bill can be challenged in court so yes, they have to get it as close to the law as they can.
The reason to lump all of these together is because congress does not have the time to vote on each one separately.
There are simply not enough hours in the day even if they work 24/7.
You have 635 members of congress which at any given time half of them are going to be proposing legislation.
Do you know how much that is?
That is crap they have all year they do not want to deal with a true budget they want to fill bills with pork to increase the debt
Congress passes up to 600 pieces of legislation a year, now tell me how they are going to send all those through committee then vote on them separately?
It's impossible.
They need to lump them together in bunches, especially the ones passed to only keep our government running.
The major ones they have to spend their time debating and sending back and forth.
The budget should be a priority
It is, along with the defense bill.
Congress should take shorter vacations. Hell, half the time they aren't even there.
They are due to go on vaction again soon
It is, along with the defense bill.
And the defense bill should include ONLY money for defense, not some transgender studies in West Jabib.
You have no idea how legislation works.
Yes, I do. Why should transgender studies in West Jabib be included in a defense bill? Look at all the bullshit that has nothing to do with infrastructure in the infrastructure bill.
Because major bills that have to be passed have things added to them that haven't gone through committee, it's called "Pork".
Congress does this because they pass up to 600 pieces of legislation a year and don't have time to go through each one of them, send them through committee and then vote on them separately.
Congress would cease to function if they had to do everything by itself.
So major bills that have to be passed are the ideal place for both sides to add in legislation and this is where reconciliation takes place where both sides look at the stuff added and negotiate to take things out.
Like I said, you have no idea how legislation works.
Don't tell me I don't understand. There is no reason to include shit that has nothing to do with the bill being worked on. I know they do it, I merely say they shouldn't.
Then you are going to end up with very little legislation being passed.
Don't tell me I don't understand. There is no reason to include shit that has nothing to do with the bill being worked on. I know they do it, I merely say they shouldn't.
Don't you think that would be a good thing? Eliminating the "pork"?
Bad things get passed and good things get passed.
I think that not passing legislation is the worse option, at least bad legislation can be challenged in the courts.