Did American capitalists destroy Russian democracy?

Key word "adoption". The Russians had choices and they chose poorly.

Agreed; after 70 years of communism, the Russians fucked up their initial attempt at democracy. 30 years later and they are still fucking it up with President-for-Life Putin.
Yes, on balance, a terrible choice by Russia to adopt cowboy capitalism, a mistake China witnessed and decided to avoid.

More importantly to me, it does damage to American stature and reputation when we recommend solutions to other countries which turn out to be terrible advice and risk undermining American moral authority on economics and democracy. As I said, 30 years ago your garden variety Russian held American capitalism and democracy in relatively high esteem. That is no longer the case.
Yes, on balance, a terrible choice by Russia to adopt cowboy capitalism, a mistake China witnessed and decided to avoid.

More importantly to me, it does damage to American stature and reputation when we recommend solutions to other countries which turn out to be terrible advice and risk undermining American moral authority on economics and democracy. As I said, 30 years ago your garden variety Russian held American capitalism and democracy in relatively high esteem. That is no longer the case.

Why do you persist in blaming the entire US government for the advice some "experts" give Russia and which Russia freely took?
Russia made the mistake of listening to American self-styled free market economics experts.
Of course! Everyone buys your idea that Russia lives to listen to American "experts." It's completely intuitive.

This type of cowboy capitalism resulted in oligarchy, corruption, criminal plutocracy, economic inequality, and severe damage to the fledgling Russian democracy of the 1990s.
Don't stop there. Explain how this flows from economics.