Did any other liberal yawn when they read this?


JPP Modarater

"Two years after his hopes for a Democratic takeover of the White House were narrowly dashed, former vice presidential nominee John Edwards said Thursday that he is making another run at the presidency."

I don't think I'll support anyone in the primary that voted to give bush the authorization to go to war. I'd suggest others do the same. We shouldn't reward massive failure with more responsibility.
I enjoyed the irony of him announcing with a shovel in his hand. He will be shoveling a lot of crap!!! LOL Another limo lib in the running. A sleazy personal attorney!

"Two years after his hopes for a Democratic takeover of the White House were narrowly dashed, former vice presidential nominee John Edwards said Thursday that he is making another run at the presidency."

I don't think I'll support anyone in the primary that voted to give bush the authorization to go to war. I'd suggest others do the same. We shouldn't reward massive failure with more responsibility.

I'm cutting slack to anyone who has been on record apologizing for their vote for the war. Edwards apolgozied quite a while ago.

And I've been giving massive props to that Republican congressman Walter Jones, for apologizing for his vote.
Edwards did at least realize his mistake and apologize, that does count for a lot. However I am not eager to have him as president. But what the heck, Bozo the clown would be an improvement over Bush. I just hope a better candidate than Edwards turns up.
I'm cutting slack to anyone who has been on record apologizing for their vote for the war. Edwards apolgozied quite a while ago.

And I've been giving massive props to that Republican congressman Walter Jones, for apologizing for his vote.

Yeah, but I mean it was last year when it was popular, obvious and politically convenient to admit "iraqi freedom" was a mistake. My slack will only go so far. Especially with people that coming out NOW and saying it. I mean its like, "no $hit sherlock". If its taken you this long you're neither courageous, particularly smart (not that you're stupid), or really a leader in my opinion.
Edwards did at least realize his mistake and apologize, that does count for a lot. However I am not eager to have him as president. But what the heck, Bozo the clown would be an improvement over Bush. I just hope a better candidate than Edwards turns up.

Yeah, but you know why it seems like a big step? Because Bush is an abomible (sp?) failure and he never admits mistakes so when people do the right thing (which before 2000 I held most politicians to this standard), we act like they are noble. He's not noble. We should expect politicians and "leaders" to own up ot their mistakes. Not be grateful when they after kicking and screaming - do the right thing. Next we'll be congratulated htem for wiping their own as$es.
Yeah, but you know why it seems like a big step? Because Bush is an abomible (sp?) failure and he never admits mistakes so when people do the right thing (which before 2000 I held most politicians to this standard), we act like they are noble. He's not noble. We should expect politicians and "leaders" to own up ot their mistakes. Not be grateful when they after kicking and screaming - do the right thing. Next we'll be congratulated htem for wiping their own as$es.

Its a fair point. All I'm saying, is that I'm willing to cut slack. I'm not saying I'm going to support him in the primary, heck I've been cutting slack to Chuck Hagel (R-Nebraska) because he's been speaking truth to power, but he's never gone on record and apologized for his vote.

I was supporting Howard Dean, Wes Clark, and Dennis Kucinich in the 04 nomination for the very reasons you outlined.
Its a fair point. All I'm saying, is that I'm willing to cut slack. I'm not saying I'm going to support him in the primary, heck I've been cutting slack to Chuck Hagel (R-Nebraska) because he's been speaking truth to power, but he's never gone on record and apologized for his vote.

I was supporting Howard Dean, Wes Clark, and Dennis Kucinich in the 04 nomination for the very reasons you outlined.

I'd throw my support to Dean if he ran again, same for Clark. But I'm highly skeptical individuals that threw us into the war and the moment it become politically convenient they do the right thing. I want someone in office who votes for whats right not for whats popular.
LadyT / anyone. I am so confuesed, ...
Was Dean for or against the war before he was against it ?
Damn CRS or the republicans confustication tactics are working....
LadyT / anyone. I am so confuesed, ...
Was Dean for or against the war before he was against it ?
Damn CRS or the republicans confustication tactics are working....

Dean was always against the war. That's why Rove maligned him so much and the Republicans flooded the airwaves with his rabid scream. The issue of the election was the war, and they couldn't get him on it. So they made him look insane, and put up those 11 gay marriage ballots in the key states.

Dean is on the left, but not as left as the Republicans made him out to be. In retrospect, I would have wanted him to win (Because we had a Republican Congress).
Thanks Beefy, Sounds fairly promising to me as well. I don't have a warm fuzzy feeling about Dean though..
You know what I mean, not talking about his butt now :D
Beefy, So do you think the repubs will try to get Dean out of the running pretty early ?

Is Dean even on the roster?

But yes, I think that the inner circle of the Republican party even can see which way the wind is blowing. Iraq is getting worse and worse. It is turning out to be everything the anti-war crowd said it would be before W decided to wage it. In October of '08, this war will be the ONLY issue that a candidate can win on. And someone who opposed it from the start, who hasn't wavered on the opposition, will be sounding pretty good to the sheeple. They'll try to spin it by quoting Democrats in the mid 90's who said that Hussein had weapons and all that Jazz. But they can't fool everyone.

The (R) knows this, and they will do their best to see that a staunch anti-war guy doesn't get the (D) ticket. They'd be happier with Hillary or Edwards, or even Kerry for that matter.

My prediction is that Al Gore wins the office in '08. Mark my words.

Hopefully there'll still be gridlock.
I hope the dems have more of an advantage after the 08 election. A few things done by the Repubs need to be undone. Not all things , but some.
Then drop back to gridlock status at the next election.
Is Dean even on the roster?

But yes, I think that the inner circle of the Republican party even can see which way the wind is blowing. Iraq is getting worse and worse. It is turning out to be everything the anti-war crowd said it would be before W decided to wage it. In October of '08, this war will be the ONLY issue that a candidate can win on. And someone who opposed it from the start, who hasn't wavered on the opposition, will be sounding pretty good to the sheeple. They'll try to spin it by quoting Democrats in the mid 90's who said that Hussein had weapons and all that Jazz. But they can't fool everyone.

The (R) knows this, and they will do their best to see that a staunch anti-war guy doesn't get the (D) ticket. They'd be happier with Hillary or Edwards, or even Kerry for that matter.

My prediction is that Al Gore wins the office in '08. Mark my words.

Hopefully there'll still be gridlock.

I can't believe McCain isn't trying to run away from Bush as fast as he can.

He's actually kissing bush's ass, and recommending we escalate the iraq war. He's fucking up. That's gonna come back to haunt him in 2008 if he's the GOP nominee. The stench of bush will be all around him.
I hope the dems have more of an advantage after the 08 election. A few things done by the Repubs need to be undone. Not all things , but some.
Then drop back to gridlock status at the next election.

No no no. I sure as shit don't want the (D) in there with control of the House, Senate and White House. Especially when they're all so flagrantly in their "revenge" mode. Fuck that. This pissing contest has gone on long enough. Let's just see if we can restore sanity. It might be too late, but I surely would rather have gridlock that one party pulling the purse strings.