Did any other liberal yawn when they read this?

I think Mcain thinks he has no chance anyway. Unless he wins on this final roll of the dice for him. If something good happens in Iraq he rides on the wave, if not, what is lost ? he was cooked anyway.
No no no. I sure as shit don't want the (D) in there with control of the House, Senate and White House. Especially when they're all so flagrantly in their "revenge" mode. Fuck that. This pissing contest has gone on long enough. Let's just see if we can restore sanity. It might be too late, but I surely would rather have gridlock that one party pulling the purse strings.
Well in retrospect the Dems have managed the purse strings far better than the republicans have, check the history.
I will just have to disagree, I think we need demo control for a couple of years, otherwise some things put in place under the Repubs that are making things worse will continue.
A few things need to be fixed. Or unfixed depending on your point of view.
I can't believe McCain isn't trying to run away from Bush as fast as he can.

He's actually kissing bush's ass, and recommending we escalate the iraq war. He's fucking up. That's gonna come back to haunt him in 2008 if he's the GOP nominee. The stench of bush will be all around him.

He doesn't have a prayer. He's on the wrong side of history on this one and most people are finally seeing it.

Who knew it would turn out that most of the US population doesn't like seeing our guys come home in body bags day after day when there wasn't a threat.

My guess is the (R) will throw McCain under the bus. He's old, and he's in love with this war. He ain't going anywhere. They might even make him the sacrificial lamb.
I think Mcain thinks he has no chance anyway. Unless he wins on this final roll of the dice for him. If something good happens in Iraq he rides on the wave, if not, what is lost ? he was cooked anyway.

If he's "betting" that iraq will be a lot better in 18 months, he's a bigger fool than I thought!
Well in retrospect the Dems have managed the purse strings far better than the republicans have, check the history.
I will just have to disagree, I think we need demo control for a couple of years, otherwise some things put in place under the Repubs that are making things worse will continue.
A few things need to be fixed. Or unfixed depending on your point of view.

Having only one party in power will not fix a thing. It will make it far worse. Think a little bit about it. It is so freaking polar that it will be an extension of the pissing contest. Bipartisanship may help, but I'd rather have flat gridlock that either alternative.
Having only one party in power will not fix a thing. It will make it far worse. Think a little bit about it. It is so freaking polar that it will be an extension of the pissing contest. Bipartisanship may help, but I'd rather have flat gridlock that either alternative.

ok, we will just have to wait and see how this turns out. Time will tell and many more variables will pop up between now and then.
Having only one party in power will not fix a thing. It will make it far worse. Think a little bit about it. It is so freaking polar that it will be an extension of the pissing contest. Bipartisanship may help, but I'd rather have flat gridlock that either alternative.
Beefy, the country was far more polarized at least thrice before. Far more; as in, so much more so that any comparison is laughable. The most recent being the late 60s and early 70s. I doubt that any passing excess will be worse than what we've been through already.

On the other hand, I have to agree with you in that a period of Democratic Party dominance isn't likely to be too much better than a period of Republican Party dominance. A little better, certainly, in that the Dems tlend notto pander to evangelicals. That's almost a quibble, however.
I tend to agree with mbl on this one. Opposing parties maintain checks and balances. I'm not thrilled with the prospect of having any one party controlling everying now, I'd prefer the dems to the repugnants, but nonetheless, I think we lose big time when there is a one party rule. Personally, I don't plan on rewarding anyone who gave Bush the go ahead to wage war in Iraq with my vote.
I get frustrated because all the Dems and Republicans who are now apologizing waited until the Bush administration has no teeth.

I like the guys who said from the beginning that they didn't approve of the war.

In the long run though, you do have to understand they are politicians.
I get frustrated because all the Dems and Republicans who are now apologizing waited until the Bush administration has no teeth.

I like the guys who said from the beginning that they didn't approve of the war.

In the long run though, you do have to understand they are politicians.
Weak bastages. I've been against all undeclared war forever and always will be.
At this point he has my primary vote... I perfer him over Hillary and I dont know enough about Obama.

I like his rags to riches story and I like his optimism. He is carismatic (in a clintonesq, used car salesman sort of way) and voters seem to like that...
Yes froggie, politics....It does however seperate the wussy politicos from the ones that stand on their principles.

Are you budnfrog ?
I get frustrated because all the Dems and Republicans who are now apologizing waited until the Bush administration has no teeth.

I like the guys who said from the beginning that they didn't approve of the war.

In the long run though, you do have to understand they are politicians.

Yeah. I do. And therein lies the problem. I don't think I like politicians.
I just have to be more practical on this issue. If I limit myself to anyone who didn't express support for military action against Iraq at one time another, I'm narrowing the playing field considerably. I'm also not being practical; much as I love a guy like Dennis Kucinich, he'd get slaughtered in a national race, as would most of the other legislators who were vocal opponents to Iraq prior to invasion.

Edwards apology was not your standard run-of-the-mill lip service. I thought it was pretty genuine, and that sort of honesty DOES take courage politically. That's something he'll get hammered with if he wins the Democratic nomination.

By comparison, I don't know how anyone can stomach Hillary, who is trying to be all things to all people on Iraq. Watching her posturing on Iraq makes me somewhat ill.