Let's get something straight here- your suspicions are focused on the messenger. In essence, you like to attack the messenger. My suspicions are focused on the evidence of various official stories. Attacking the messenger generally degrades a conversation to a flame war. But perhaps that is your goal?
Providing examples that reveal how specious your arguments are hardly just focused on you. The example is pretty clear in that it reveals how little you rely on actual critical thinking. It demonstrates that logic would dictate that one apply the same standard to all evidence and conclusions. You continually fail to do that. I have merely pointed out that the evidence of you being a Russian troll would require anyone that follows your logic must make the conclusion that you are a Russian troll or admit they don't use any objective standards when it comes to critical thinking.
Your statement in this sentence where you claim you are focused on evidence of "official" stories but you keep using sources that are in no way official points to how you can't tell official from conspiracy theories.