Did Eichman get a fair trial?


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Interesting how the usa is so quick to condemn those round the world, who do not adhere to democratic principles ,including the right to a fair trial

etc. -- yet remain silent when years ago israel kidnapped an argentine citizen and illegally tried him in an israeli court on charges, that were never proven by international standards of jurisprudence.

Eichmann never had stepped foot in a C.C. .He never gave an order but only took orders . He never killed anyone and never gave anyone an order to do so, but was found guilty of mass murder. Did Eichmann deserve a CHANGE OF VENUE in order to get a fair trial?

The current sentence of death by hanging handed down to tariq aziz ,former foreign minister of iraq has the same smell of kangaroo court, that the eichmann trial had .
All it proves is that the party in power makes the rules ,the victors write the history and so on. WELCOME TO PLANET AUSCHWITZ!
Interesting how the usa is so quick to condemn those round the world, who do not adhere to democratic principles ,including the right to a fair trial

etc. -- yet remain silent when years ago israel kidnapped an argentine citizen and illegally tried him in an israeli court on charges, that were never proven by international standards of jurisprudence.

Eichmann never had stepped foot in a C.C. .He never gave an order but only took orders . He never killed anyone and never gave anyone an order to do so, but was found guilty of mass murder. Did Eichmann deserve a CHANGE OF VENUE in order to get a fair trial?

The current sentence of death by hanging handed down to tariq aziz ,former foreign minister of iraq has the same smell of kangaroo court, that the eichmann trial had .
All it proves is that the party in power makes the rules ,the victors write the history and so on. WELCOME TO PLANET AUSCHWITZ!

Eichmann, your hero I'm sure, was one of the main organizers and facilitators of the holocaust. That earned him a hangman's noose.
prove it.

Prove it? How many pages of evidence do you need? It is in military records and his own recordkeeping of the jews he sent to the gas chambers.

" The trial began with various witnesses, including many Holocaust survivors, who testified against Eichmann and his role in transporting victims to the extermination camps. One key witness for the prosecution was an American judge named Michael A. Musmanno, who was a U.S. naval officer in 1945. Musmanno had questioned the Nuremberg defendants and would later go on to become a Justice of the Pennsylvania Supreme Court. He testified that the late Hermann Göring "made it very clear that Eichmann was the man to determine, in what order, in what countries, the Jews were to die."

"During cross-examination, prosecutor Hausner asked Eichmann if he considered himself guilty of the murder of millions of Jews. Eichmann replied: "Legally not, but in the human sense ... yes, for I am guilty of having deported them".

"After 14 weeks of testimony with more than 1,500 documents, 100 prosecution witnesses (90 of whom were Nazi concentration camp survivors) and dozens of defense depositions delivered by diplomatic couriers from 16 different countries, the Eichmann trial ended on August 14. At that point, the judges began deliberations in seclusion. On December 11, the three judges announced their verdict: Eichmann was convicted on all counts. Eichmann had said to the court that he expected the death penalty.[39] On December 15, the court imposed a death sentence. Eichmann appealed the verdict, mostly relying on legal arguments about Israel's jurisdiction and the legality of the laws under which he was charged. He also claimed that he was protected by the principle of "Acts of State" and repeated his "following orders" defense."
Prove it? How many pages of evidence do you need? It is in military records and his own recordkeeping of the jews he sent to the gas chambers.

" The trial began with various witnesses, including many Holocaust survivors, who testified against Eichmann and his role in transporting victims to the extermination camps. One key witness for the prosecution was an American judge named Michael A. Musmanno, who was a U.S. naval officer in 1945. Musmanno had questioned the Nuremberg defendants and would later go on to become a Justice of the Pennsylvania Supreme Court. He testified that the late Hermann Göring "made it very clear that Eichmann was the man to determine, in what order, in what countries, the Jews were to die."

"During cross-examination, prosecutor Hausner asked Eichmann if he considered himself guilty of the murder of millions of Jews. Eichmann replied: "Legally not, but in the human sense ... yes, for I am guilty of having deported them".

"After 14 weeks of testimony with more than 1,500 documents, 100 prosecution witnesses (90 of whom were Nazi concentration camp survivors) and dozens of defense depositions delivered by diplomatic couriers from 16 different countries, the Eichmann trial ended on August 14. At that point, the judges began deliberations in seclusion. On December 11, the three judges announced their verdict: Eichmann was convicted on all counts. Eichmann had said to the court that he expected the death penalty.[39] On December 15, the court imposed a death sentence. Eichmann appealed the verdict, mostly relying on legal arguments about Israel's jurisdiction and the legality of the laws under which he was charged. He also claimed that he was protected by the principle of "Acts of State" and repeated his "following orders" defense."

Do you think he deserved a change of venue? You know ,there's no evidence of gas chambers ,say what you will.
Do you think he deserved a change of venue? You know ,there's no evidence of gas chambers ,say what you will.

No, I don't think he deserved much of anything.

As for evidence, they have found remains of the chambers themselves. And the former commandant of Auschwitz, Rudolph Hoss, admitted to testing several different gas mixtures and about killing 10,000 in one 24 hour period. So yes, there is more than ample evidence of the gas chambers.
His own records damned him, Eichmann not only was the facilitator, he was the organizer of shipping people into death camps. Nobody should listen to this wolfspinne on this subject he's deliberately ignorant of every fact he possibly can be ignorant of and purposefully would ignore evidence like the man's own records and lists of who went where and why.

Eichmann was extensive in his record keeping and copious records remain detailing how many Jews he personally directed into Polish death camps and ghettos.

He was tried by a civilian court with a jury, judge, etc. The assumption is this was some sort of "kangaroo" court, usually this position is held either by extreme racists or by Muslim extremists who work to discredit the idea of the holocaust. Eichmann's own records are a major part of how they determine the estimate of 6,000,000 Jews killed, his records were well-maintained and were not destroyed at the end of the war.

Previous to becoming the top man of the forced migration of Jews he applied to the SD (the security division of the SS) and was accepted, he was assigned to the sub-office of the "Freemason" division where he was in charge of hunting down, arresting, and later executing Freemasons and obtaining their records. After a short time of this, he met a friend Leopold von Mildenstein who was in the "Jews Section" of the SD, he saw this as his "big break" and he immediately requested a transfer (again this is in detailed records), his transfer came in November of 1934 and later he was promoted (below is a picture of his application to be promoted) to Untersturmführer.


Anyway, after being put in charge of several different means of getting "rid" of the Jews by deportation in 1941 he was directly informed that Jews in German occupied territory were to be killed, and attended (as a recording secretary, remember the detailed records I mentioned) the Wannsee conference where "The Final Solution" was set down and began implementation. He was set in charge of the trains that transported the Jews to their death and in no way was innocent or ignorant of why they were going there. He kept copious records that were used in his trial and by any measure we know it was proved that he was guilty of the crimes for which he was convicted.

Astoundingly, in his records were the order to cease and destroy all records of "The Final Solution" and his own personal account of being "appalled", he continued against these orders to send Jews to their execution and never destroyed the records he was ordered to destroy.

Here is a nice picture of people in Auschwitz being sent to the gas chambers that this dope pretends didn't exist.

Do you think he deserved a change of venue? You know ,there's no evidence of gas chambers ,say what you will.

Doesn't matter. He was a German. They bring their diseases over here. They dont live like us white folk. They eat sausages. Isn't that enough?
Doesn't matter. He was a German. They bring their diseases over here. They dont live like us white folk. They eat sausages. Isn't that enough?

Say what you will about germans, i like their food and beer, as far as wolfenstine's version of the world i say this...

Just another falsification of history.

Dude, the shit was written in his own hand, Eichman admitted sending jews to gas chambers, the commandant of auschwitz admitted experimenting with various gases for the gas chambers.

If you want to deny it thats fine. But don't try to pretend we are the ones rewriting history.
Even the nuremberg justices and prosecutors admitted that Hoss had been severely tortured and threatened with having to see his family hanged.

His confession,so-called, is meaningless ,as was Eichy's .

Forensic investigators cannot locate perimeters of chambers ,which would've been easy to do if they were really there ,at any time.
Even the nuremberg justices and prosecutors admitted that Hoss had been severely tortured and threatened with having to see his family hanged.

His confession,so-called, is meaningless ,as was Eichy's .

Forensic investigators cannot locate perimeters of chambers ,which would've been easy to do if they were really there ,at any time.

So the other posters are right, your answer is "Its a jewish conspiracy"?

The problem with you claiming Eichmann's testimony is worthless is that you are ignoring the huge volume of evidence in "Eichy's" own hand that was written BEFORE the end of WWII. The records are written by "Eichy" as he was doing it.

So your hero really was a murderer.
So the other posters are right, your answer is "Its a jewish conspiracy"?

The problem with you claiming Eichmann's testimony is worthless is that you are ignoring the huge volume of evidence in "Eichy's" own hand that was written BEFORE the end of WWII. The records are written by "Eichy" as he was doing it.

So your hero really was a murderer.

I told you he would ignore the copious records kept by Eichmann and used against him in his trial. The records which included the order to destroy those very records with his own direct disobedience as he continued the "program" and continued to keep records. The guy wasn't all that smart.
israel kidnapped an argentine citizen and illegally tried him in an israeli court on charges, that were never proven by international standards of jurisprudence.

Gee,,,, I don't have any problem with that.

He was just another marxist.