Did Eichman get a fair trial?

Geebus, holocaust deniers are as stupid as flat-earthers.

'....and he travelled to the four corners of the earth'. Ever seen a sphere with corners? There's yer proof that the earth is flat... except here where there are way too many hills!
I told you he would ignore the copious records kept by Eichmann and used against him in his trial. The records which included the order to destroy those very records with his own direct disobedience as he continued the "program" and continued to keep records. The guy wasn't all that smart.

Eichman was hanged because he knew too much. Eichy was working as the liason officer between the zionists and the german government. In effect he was helping the zionists achieve their goals. ;the transfer of european jews to the middle east.
Eichman was hanged because he knew too much. Eichy was working as the liason officer between the zionists and the german government. In effect he was helping the zionists achieve their goals. ;the transfer of european jews to the middle east.

Eichmann was hanged because he was a mass murderer, directing and even ordering murders after he was directed to stop as his own paper record was shown. Eichmann was lucky he didn't get an Osama bin Laden style double tap rather than a public trial. He certainly deserved it.
Pwoof, you hab ov dis?

Studies were done that he won't link to, research that he never saw, and friends have posted blogs, man! BLOGS! Plus he's nearly a shrink because he lived next door to the hall where the psychology classes were and where he met with his psychologist daily.
I prefer the high life.
