Two of the biggest and brightest stars in the SBVT pantheon are certainly Larry Thurlow and George Elliott.
Thurlow claimed that he was with Kerry in another boat in the formation the night that Kerry was awarded his bronze star. In the swiftie book, Thurlow claims that Kerry LIED and that there was no enemy fire from the shore that night. Oddly enough, Thurlow was awarded a bronze star for the very same incident, and HIS Bronze Star citation specifically mentions enemy fire from both sides of the river. Thurlow still proudly wears his bronze star.
Elliott is an even more egregious liar. He was Kerry's CO in Nam.... During the '04 campaign, he called Kerry a horrible officer and unfit for command. Thirty five years earlier, in Nam, he ranked Kerry as the best LTJG in his group. Only ten years earlier, he had come to Boston to appear with Kerry during a Senate campaign where he called him a hero.
Liars. But, unlike DY, even THEY had the balls to put themselves in harm's way.