Did Matt Gaetz Quash His Investigation?

Hello Dutch Uncle,

Trump is rather full of himself.

He also erroneously claimed there would be no transition of power. He got his wake-up call on January 20th.

TBH, I think most Republicans, the cowardly anti-American oath-breaking ones, are waiting for Trump to die, be imprisoned or simply go nuts.
Hello Dutch,

TBH, I think most Republicans, the cowardly anti-American oath-breaking ones, are waiting for Trump to die, be imprisoned or simply go nuts.

The best case for America is that justice is done and Trump goes to prison, so that is what I am hoping for.

I want to see America do better and begin to heal.
Hello Dutch,

The best case for America is that justice is done and Trump goes to prison, so that is what I am hoping for.

I want to see America do better and begin to heal.

Trump certainly deserves prison based on his life of being a rapist, pedophile, cheating customers, fraud, lying, etc, etc, etc. but I doubt he'll go. He can throw half his fortune, a billion bucks at the Justice system and buy his freedom.

Others, including Junior, may not be so lucky.

Agreed our nation can do better. OTOH, Trump didn't cause this. Trump is a result of something going on in America since the end of the Cold War. We're reinventing ourselves from being the 20th Century's greatest superpower to being simply a prosperous nation among nations in the 21st Century.

Notice all the Trumpers want to turn back the clock, "Make America Great Again...Again". They don't talk about moving forward, about rebuilding the US into a 21st Century's most advanced and prosperous nation.
Hello Dutch,

Trump certainly deserves prison based on his life of being a rapist, pedophile, cheating customers, fraud, lying, etc, etc, etc. but I doubt he'll go. He can throw half his fortune, a billion bucks at the Justice system and buy his freedom.

Others, including Junior, may not be so lucky.

Agreed our nation can do better. OTOH, Trump didn't cause this. Trump is a result of something going on in America since the end of the Cold War. We're reinventing ourselves from being the 20th Century's greatest superpower to being simply a prosperous nation among nations in the 21st Century.

Notice all the Trumpers want to turn back the clock, "Make America Great Again...Again". They don't talk about moving forward, about rebuilding the US into a 21st Century's most advanced and prosperous nation.

Funny thing is if you ask a MAGA when America was great they either can't tell you or refuse to answer because they know it will place them in a losing debate position.

Or they would simply be ashamed to admit they want to go back to a time of segregation during the Vietnam War.

They have a such a backward-looking vision for America.
Hello Dutch,

Funny thing is if you ask a MAGA when America was great they either can't tell you or refuse to answer because they know it will place them in a losing debate position.

Or they would simply be ashamed to admit they want to go back to a time of segregation during the Vietnam War.

They have a such a backward-looking vision for America.

They're poorly educated. They don't know what CRT is either, just that they don't like it because Trump and Fox News tells them not to like it.

Agreed on backward. IMO it's an education problem. While there is little left to be done to help the middle-aged losers that compose most of Trump's terrorist militias, We, the People can still help their kids with better funded schools in areas that need them.

There's no reason why the United States of America can't provide a First World education to every American child.
Hello Dutch Uncle,

Only if directly tied to Gaetz. I think Trump's demise will see the decline of DeSantis. He can run for President, but like Ted Cruz, he's a fucking moron if he thinks he has national appeal to American conservatives. Trump may take him down first. LOL

Trump on DeSantis: ‘I’d beat him like I would beat everyone else’
Long awaited, former President Donald Trump weighed in on his chances against a potential GOP primary field that would include his political protégé, Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis, during an interview with Yahoo Finance.

DeSantis would not have to be tied to Gaetz at all.

We don't know who ran these parties.

We don't know if Gaetz ran them or simply attended.

What if somebody else ran them and Gaetz didn't go to all of them? DeSantis could still be part of it. I don't think so, but you never know.

The investigation is digging into all of that now. They have a star informant / witness who is highly motivated to cut his own sentence.

Investigators are not talking about the investigation at all.

That means they are digging up lots of dirt and they don't want the process compromised.

They need time to follow down all the leads generated by the informant.

And those leads lead to other leads and other informants.

The Gaetz thing is probably just the tip of the iceberg. We won't know until the investigation spills the beans.

Gaetz and a lotta his most deplorable pals are going down.
Hello ThatOwlWoman,

According to quotes in the Vanity Fair article in the OP, "Gaetz and others." If I was one of those "others," I'd be looking to skip town.

Who does Gaetz keep company with? Who is implicated by the evidence?

That's what investigators are asking right now.
Hello Poor Richard Saunders,

Aren't all the pedophiles in the basement of some pizza joint that doesn't have a basement?

Oh. You mean the actual pedophiles that can be charged with an actual crime.

As in a 35yo guy who did it with a 17yo child and then transported her across state lines?

That much info is out there. Should be interesting to learn what investigators are uncovering now.
Who does Gaetz keep company with? Who is implicated by the evidence?

That's what investigators are asking right now.

Often guys who engage in this kind of scurrilous sexual activity are part of a group of similar guys. Bet those guys are sweating and have lawyered-up. It will be interesting to see how many, if any, roll on him to save their own bacon.
Hello Dutch Uncle,

DeSantis would not have to be tied to Gaetz at all.

We don't know who ran these parties.

We don't know if Gaetz ran them or simply attended.

What if somebody else ran them and Gaetz didn't go to all of them? DeSantis could still be part of it. I don't think so, but you never know.

The investigation is digging into all of that now. They have a star informant / witness who is highly motivated to cut his own sentence.

Investigators are not talking about the investigation at all.

That means they are digging up lots of dirt and they don't want the process compromised.

They need time to follow down all the leads generated by the informant.

And those leads lead to other leads and other informants.

The Gaetz thing is probably just the tip of the iceberg. We won't know until the investigation spills the beans.

Gaetz and a lotta his most deplorable pals are going down.

Investigators follow the evidence which is how an investigation into a real estate scam (resulting in multiple convictions) also turned into a perjury indictment and plea deal of a President.
Aren't all the pedophiles in the basement of some pizza joint that doesn't have a basement?

Oh. You mean the actual pedophiles that can be charged with an actual crime.

Something like this:
