Did You Ever See Batshit Crazy?

Exactly! And that's precisely what Obama and ObamaCare is all about. The Federal Government is not planning on providing hospitals but it can promote better access to them by devising ways for people to get insurance. The Federal Government is not going to go into the business of manufacturing pills/medication but it can promote the availability of them by negotiating prices on behalf of the citizens.

Then there's "secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity." Promote the blessings of liberty? Provide the blessings of liberty? Help people obtain the blessings of liberty? It seems some people interpret the Preamble to say, "We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, will do nothing and let the free market handle it."

Promote: to help or encourage to exist or flourish

That means doing something. That means the government is tasked with doing.

Nice to see that you finally have abandoned your continual attempt to prove that "promote" meant to "provide".
At least it's start in your recovery.
Can't stop with your vicious attacks, I have repeatedly told you thst my mother died a little over 10 years ago but you keep rubbing it in.

Where did I once mention your mother in my post? I suggest you seek counselling to help deal with your mother's passing.

If this punish the motivated and reward the lazy attitude prevails, what happens to the pioneering spirit?
Dynamism? Where is the motivation to get ahead?

When sitting back and refusing to do anything gets you the big payoff?

Big pay off? I just watched the video posted on the "All my babies mamas" thread. A single woman with a child gets $221.00/mth cash on the EBT card. $221.00 a month. I don't even consider that a big payoff when I'm playing the video gambling terminals in the local bar. It sure as hell doesn't cover a month's worth of food. My son/daughter-in-law just had a baby. They told me it cost almost $400/mth for diapers and formula. I went to Costco to purchase diapers and formula. $221/mth would not cover a month's supply so there is no big pay off.

Where is the motivation to get ahead? Well, I imagine slowly starving to death would be motivation. Expecting someone to stretch $221 over a month is vile and disgusting. But the true proof of the absurdity that welfare is a big pay off is we don't see people quitting their job to collect it. It's available to pretty much everyone so why aren't there masses of people quitting work and collecting?

Most people have no idea what poverty is like. Oh, they might have been in debt or had to move because they couldn't afford their rent but they always had family to help them out. Or a friend to drive them to the local food bank. Some people have nothing. Absolutely nothing. No family. Their friends are as poor as they are. They can't afford to take the bus to the food bank. They have to walk regardless of how far it is. Are we to expect those people are going to have the pioneering spirit or has society crushed them? And God forbid they earn a few dollars at a part time job or rent/share an apartment to help with costs. Their pittance of an allowance is cut because we wouldn't want them getting something for nothing. God forbid they should afford to put a decent meal on the table once a month or buy decent clothes.

The treatment of the poor is disgusting. There is no excuse for anyone not to have sufficient food and shelter in today's world. If the people can't find a job the local community can set up an employer/employee referral system. Send the person to a job interview. If there isn't a job for them give them sufficient funds to live on until a job becomes available. If they refuse a job then cut funds. Until then it's not their fault they don't have a job. They haven't chosen that way of life.
Where did I once mention your mother in my post? I suggest you seek counselling to help deal with your mother's passing.

Big pay off? I just watched the video posted on the "All my babies mamas" thread. A single woman with a child gets $221.00/mth cash on the EBT card. $221.00 a month. I don't even consider that a big payoff when I'm playing the video gambling terminals in the local bar. It sure as hell doesn't cover a month's worth of food. My son/daughter-in-law just had a baby. They told me it cost almost $400/mth for diapers and formula. I went to Costco to purchase diapers and formula. $221/mth would not cover a month's supply so there is no big pay off.

Where is the motivation to get ahead? Well, I imagine slowly starving to death would be motivation. Expecting someone to stretch $221 over a month is vile and disgusting. But the true proof of the absurdity that welfare is a big pay off is we don't see people quitting their job to collect it. It's available to pretty much everyone so why aren't there masses of people quitting work and collecting?

Most people have no idea what poverty is like. Oh, they might have been in debt or had to move because they couldn't afford their rent but they always had family to help them out. Or a friend to drive them to the local food bank. Some people have nothing. Absolutely nothing. No family. Their friends are as poor as they are. They can't afford to take the bus to the food bank. They have to walk regardless of how far it is. Are we to expect those people are going to have the pioneering spirit or has society crushed them? And God forbid they earn a few dollars at a part time job or rent/share an apartment to help with costs. Their pittance of an allowance is cut because we wouldn't want them getting something for nothing. God forbid they should afford to put a decent meal on the table once a month or buy decent clothes.

The treatment of the poor is disgusting. There is no excuse for anyone not to have sufficient food and shelter in today's world. If the people can't find a job the local community can set up an employer/employee referral system. Send the person to a job interview. If there isn't a job for them give them sufficient funds to live on until a job becomes available. If they refuse a job then cut funds. Until then it's not their fault they don't have a job. They haven't chosen that way of life.

221 cash, then 500 a week on average for foodstuffs, clothing allowances, housing, utilities, the whole fucking lot!

You mentioned my mother, want me to show your disgusting lying ass where?
The spirit of the constitution was to keep forign enemies out of US affairs.
Kindly stfu and respect our constitution.

Eh, that's enemies both foreign and domestic. Obviously you're the latter as you wish to see your fellow citizens needlessly suffer. Naughty boy. :nono:
Eh, that's enemies both foreign and domestic. Obviously you're the latter as you wish to see your fellow citizens needlessly suffer. Naughty boy. :nono:
The lazy must not suffer because they are lazy, the motivated must suffer to benefit the lazy?

Fuck off with your insane forign bullshit.
You are not fit to criticise the USA you filth forign fuck!
The citizens in every country with government health care pay less than in the US. No exception so to call it implying sanctions doesn't make any sense. I suppose we could say government health care is the opposite of sanctions.
irrelevant post is irrelevant. the quality of the medical profession goes downhill with regulated profit margins
The "power" of the Preamble is in it's use in interpreting the Constitution. It does not give the government additional powers, per se, but it can enlarge current powers or include additional things under which the government has jurisdiction depending on interpretation.
no, it does not 'enlarge current powers or include additional things'. that stupid line of thinking has you sounding like Scalia in Gonzalez v. Raich. you do not want that.

Take the Commerce Clause, for example. There are specific things the government has the power to classify/control under the Commerce Clause. As society progresses additional things fall under the Commerce Clause. While that doesn't give the government an additional power (it all has to do with the Commerce Clause) it does mean the government has power over a specific "thing" which it didn't have before because that specific "thing" wasn't around before.
this 'reasoning' is 180 degrees opposite of the founders intent. they sought to LIMIT a central government, not allow unfettered power using interpretation.
You get what you pay for.
We get DRs and patients making decisions, you get politicians.

Wrong guess, again. Just one more example of you not knowing what you're talking about.

You do not get your doctor and you making decisions if you have private insurance. You get your doctor and the doctors/directors of the insurance company making decisions and the only decision you make is whether you want to take their advice or take nothing. Even if a procedure is covered the private insurance will determine if it will pay for that procedure for you. Of course, they term it as deciding if a certain procedure is appropriate for you. It has less to do with appropriate and more to do with the willingness to pay for it.

Now, contrast that with government insurance. If a procedure is covered it is covered for everyone. If you and your doctor decide on a certain procedure the government does not interfere. Your doctor determines what procedure is necssary. He does not check with the government. Furthermore, government insurance is far less restrictive than private insurance because government insurance has to cover everyone so it covers a greater number of illnesses than any private insurance.

Here's an analogy. Let's say there was government home insurance. A person living in a desert climate probably doesn't have flood insurance included in their policy but with government insurance they would be covered because other citizens live near rivers and in valleys and they have to be covered. The same principal applies to medical insurance. One may live in an isolated area and never travel but they would be covered for malaria and other tropical illnesses because other citizens do travel and/or come in contact with people from the tropics.

The only problem with government medical is the wait time involved with some elective/non-emergency surgery but that's not really a problem because government medical is, at least, one third cheaper. In other words the citizens/country could afford more doctors and nurses and equipment, etc. if the people demanded it. In most cases they don't. They don't want to pay higher taxes so as to avoid waiting for a doctor because they have a sinus infection and need antibiotics or because a 70 year old man needs a new hip so he can play golf. If the same amount per person was spent on government medical as is spent on private medical there wouldn't be any problem at all. Imagine an infusion of funds equal to 1/3 the present amount. (For Dixie that's an increase of over 30%.) :)

30% more doctors. 30% more nurses. 30% more of everything. The average person does not require that. If they've had a head cold for a few days sitting in a waiting room for an hour or two isn't going to kill them. Take a number and read the newspaper. Those with broken bones or serious illnesses are taken right away.

Government medical is nothing like what the Repub folks talked about during the election. That's why the citizens in every country with government medical insist on keeping it and every country started out with private "pay or suffer" medical. Dozens of differing government medical plans and every one is superior to private medical so it's virtually impossible the US can not devise a proper plan. The moneyed interests will scream and shout but they'll calm down. The Supreme Court settled the issue. Now it's just a matter of tying up loose ends. Over 300 million US citizens won!
Nice to see that you finally have abandoned your continual attempt to prove that "promote" meant to "provide".
At least it's start in your recovery.

I never said the government should provide everything. If you want to nit-pick the fact is the government can't provide anything unless they get the money from the taxpayers so the taxpayers do the actual providing. The government does the promoting. They suggest/promote something, get the taxpayers to go along, then it is made available for the people.

Happy now?
221 cash, then 500 a week on average for foodstuffs, clothing allowances, housing, utilities, the whole fucking lot!

Is that money put on the EBT card?

You mentioned my mother, want me to show your disgusting lying ass where?

Yes, I do want to see where I mentioned your mother.

Msg #33. Originally Posted by apple0154

Too late. You got a health care system and it's going to become more and more government controlled so live with it. Your way, "pay or suffer", is slowly going into the trash can of history. You are going to help your fellow citizen whether you like it or not. Get used to it.

Now go to your room until you can act like an adult!

You replied in msg # 57
Can't stop with your vicious attacks, I have repeatedly told you that my mother died a little over 10 years ago but you keep rubbing it in.

As you can see I never mentioned your mother in the post you addressed. You're a fucking lunatic. A nutter. :)
The lazy must not suffer because they are lazy, the motivated must suffer to benefit the lazy?

Fuck off with your insane forign bullshit.
You are not fit to criticise the USA you filth forign fuck!


Melt down in Msg #68. :lol:
221 cash, then 500 a week on average for foodstuffs, clothing allowances, housing, utilities, the whole fucking lot!

You mentioned my mother, want me to show your disgusting lying ass where?

I guess, as usual, you don't have a source for that claim, huh?

irrelevant post is irrelevant. the quality of the medical profession goes downhill with regulated profit margins

Wrong. The best medical care out there is the VA system, a single payor, non-profit system.

no, you didn't. list it


No such thing, bunch of frenchies and Americans who want a monarch!

Just thought I'd give you a little heads up. I've contacted the B***** PD and let them know one of their citizens is in need of, ummm..."help".